Recent content by Griglok (Karatemack)

  1. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Fixer Upper- Mondays at 8 PM EST

    Tonight the Fixer Upper show will be starting late. I’m at a senior award banquet for my daughter! Sorry for the short notice!
  2. Griglok (Karatemack)

    DPS test

    Great idea! Will definitely use this. It may not account for everything, but it at least will show you if you're directionally correct. I really (really) wish that SSG would put the DPS test Kobolds on our airship.
  3. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Astral Traveler's Riding Drake - I don't like it.

    I like the mount. I can see why it isn't everyone's cup-of-tea... but cosmetics are like that. We don't all have the same taste and that's ok. However, the art department has been doing great work lately, and I appreciate the increased amount of cosmetics we are getting this year. Especially if...
  4. Griglok (Karatemack)

    The Astral Traveler Patron's Coffer is now available!

    You have to talk to the NPC in the Hall of Heroes to receive the character bank slots. Make sure you're on the character you want the extra slots on.
  5. Griglok (Karatemack)

    The Astral Traveler Patron's Coffer is now available!

    Or... maybe there's a new guild ship option coming soon to a theater near us? Maybe I'm too hopeful... but extra storage holds???
  6. Griglok (Karatemack)

    The Astral Traveler Patron's Coffer is now available!

    The art department has been doing some amazing work lately. And for those of us who enjoy color/armor variations, the option you are describing sounds pretty awesome! Also also- if you have the new mount and haven't typed /dance yet while riding it.... log in and do so immediately!
  7. Griglok (Karatemack)

    DDO Store briefly down today

    This is a great surprise! More of this please!
  8. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Fixer Upper- Togwik's Monk Build

    Could you test in-game and let us know? I'm curious as well. You could reset Vistani and watch combat log and then respend the points and see if there is any statistically significant difference. Also, @Togwik I would love to see your hotbar setup! Would you mind sharing a screen shot of your...
  9. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Lava Divers Presents - First Life Raid Push Challenge

    I always thought your name was implying you would tell on people.
  10. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Low level would be more fun than high level. No hard targeting! Only mouselook shooting :P

    Low level would be more fun than high level. No hard targeting! Only mouselook shooting :P
  11. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Fixer Upper- Mondays at 8 PM EST

    Have a build you want to flesh out? Have a build you'd like to share? Please let me know!
  12. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Fixer Upper- Togwik's Monk Build

    Thanks again to @Togwik for joining me on this week's episode of Fixer Upper. Here is the build: Character name: Classes: 20 Monk, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary Race: Aasimar · · · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Neutral · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · 10% · · ·Displacement:· ·50% Str:· · 13· · 8 ·...
  13. Griglok (Karatemack)

    Which Friday? Level cap?

    Which Friday? Level cap?
  14. Griglok (Karatemack)

    VIP program is going to literally cost SSG money - not a whiny quit post

    So... I do somewhat empathize with the folks who want a "catch up" mechanic for the months they paid for VIP and didn't log in. However, there are tons of bonuses in DDO you have to log in to receive. It's not like if they run a buddy bonus weekend and I don't log in, I get to apply the buddy...