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  • Not even a whisper of lag for me this morning on Orien after todays fixes and restart. Thanks for the work.
    Hey Cordo, Saaluta here. I was wondering if there was some way to get help with logging into my main forum account. I tried putting in a ticket, but all they sent me was a change password link, the password works fine for logging into the game, it is just the forums I am having trouble logging into. Maybe you can help or point me in a direction where I can get help with this issue??


    Saal :)
    Hey Cordovan!

    Is the VIP bag of many things time locked in any way? Do I have like a certain time frame that I need to collect the reward from the box? Or can I just keep it in my inventory indefinitely? Till I decide there's something I want from it?
    Just had a guildy do exactly what you instructed in regards to restoring the wild mage pl. This morning, after the patch, CS took his toon out of my guild for some reason during their restoration of the pl he was missing. In doing so, they erased his TR cache and his monster manual. He is new to the new forums and can not post due to your previous spamming issues. I am submitting his information directly to you in hopes that you can help restore his cache. The ticket# was 353472.
    His character name is Rabah on the Orien server.
    Not adding this to the dev tracker because it doesn't make sense, but I had to share. Fiber optic internet (from Verizon's FiOS service) has finally reached my neighborhood and it's the most exciting thing in years:


    What does it mean for work? We'll see, means if my computer can handle it I can bring back multi-streaming.
    I was thinking it might be fun to do a "first person shooter arena" livestream some Friday where we go into one of the PvP arenas and everyone has to be using repeating crossbows...thoughts?
    Please stop nerfing the game. There are many different types of players. Many are just casual players that are not concerned about looking awesome! Some are more serious and have built their toons to perform well. It is not just about one piece of gear or an Epic Destiny or one particular past life or race. You are making the game not fun. I have spent 6 years making a strong toon that does one thing well and survives. I beg you to stop the nerfs and focus on progress. You can not make each Epic Destiny equal cuz they are specific to a certain playstyle/class combination. I spend easily $2,500 on this game a year plus buy the Ultimate bundle expansions. I will gladly quit.

    Take care
    That's true, Kobay, but Cordovan is in touch with both the devs and the community, so he's a great spokesperson who can convey to the devs how the community feels.

    People feel closer to staff members who talk more to the community, and that means Cordovan and Tonquin mostly.
    Cordo is liaison. If anyone hears us it’s him. Tonquin as far as I’ve seen really hasn’t addressed much at all. Of course there’s a hundred pages so maybe I missed some, but I don’t see any concessions on anything and what little I do actually see is saying to me “stop spending on this game.”

    Maybe if DPS & Healers ALL just quit the game for a month that would get some attention?
    @Ratman That'd be interesting, having all the Healers and DPS go on strike. I suspect all the Robo-Sorc's and Necro's would have a field day.
    Today's Fridays at Four chat with Severlin:

    +1 for the banner image with the red dragon. I didn't see a place to Like it, so I added the +1 here.
    Someday when I have the time I want us to make a bunch of new banners for things for players to use.
    • Like
    Reactions: Livmo
    Right on and thanks!
    On the list of priorities, roof replacement is high up
    You'll feel much better after the new roof is on after the 1st few storms. Then you'll drift back to sleeping peacefully :)
    I had not known there were any bad storms recently around Boston that would require emergency roof work, work like that tends to be planned far in advance. Or, are you just to busy censoring dissent on the LOTRO forums from the last update?
    Just a heads up - the forum "Help" button is linking to the Magic: The Gathering Online website, which feels like a mistake.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Kasanje
    Which one? The one at the top of the page next to Staff Tracker is going to as intended.
    Mine was too until I cleared my cache.
    This only seems to be affecting the "Help" button that appears when you're viewing another player's profile - yours, for example. The one on the home page works.
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