Search results

  1. B

    Sentient Jewel

    Hey folks, I was wondering what are the differences in Sentient Jewels. From the wiki it seems like they're all the same and just have different voice overs. Is that accurate or do I need more coffee? lol
  2. B

    New Forums?

    Hey Eriik! Yeah, seeing NEW member by my name made me chuckle too, lol
  3. B

    Packs to get for returning player

    Thanks for the feedback. Waiting for sales does seem to be a re-occurring idea. As far as what I'm looking for, mostly fun, xp and good loot. Eventually would like to have them all again as I did before my hiatus.
  4. B

    Packs to get for returning player

    Oh good call, Nov isn't that far off.
  5. B

    Packs to get for returning player

    Hey folks, Coming back after a long time away, 2016 ish. I remember I had all the packs up to that point and at one point got Mists of Ravenloft. What other packs should I be on the hunt for in terms of good xp/loot? Thanks
  6. B

    New Forums?

    Aloha my friend!
  7. B

    New Forums?

    Wow, that's a bit weird. Well at least I got to keep my old name so there's that. Guess things do change after, man how long's it been almost 7 years now? lol. Good to see a couple friendly names I recognize tho
  8. B

    New Forums?

    Hey all, Very out of the loop with things. But, um did old profiles and such now carry over from the old forums to here?