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  1. J

    Rare DDO Cryptid spotted and photographed on Cormyr

    Glistening Belt Of ******** This legendary item increases your diplomacy but reduces your intelligence.
  2. J

    I'm tired of this. Thanks for ruining the game devs.

    For what it's worth, I rarely play anymore either. It's too unrewarding and usually leaves me regretting the time spent. Plus, almost every time I've prepaid, there's an issue. I haven't bought MD and am unlikely to. They should really treat their players better than they do.
  3. J

    What is the default use for the right click on a right hand mouse?

    Mine is usually defaulted to an aim mode. right click to bring up the lil white target mark for ranged attack, slide mouse while holding to aim.
  4. J

    cordo on livestream: 64 bit servers need you to start with completely new toons

    I don't buy that horseshit for a second. They are uninclined to put forth an effort is all.
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    Myth Drannor Drop Rates

    7% elite, 3% hard, 1% normal
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    Myth Drannor Drop Rates

    I haven't got the new expansion yet, but the drop rates in sharn, ravenloft and isle of dread are all around 7%/3%/1% chance to have something drop (according to thousands of drop data for each). I haven't collected a whole lot for morgrave yet (under 1000), but they were ballpark if a bit...
  7. J

    Latest extremely obscene armor

    It looks a bit like the garb Oderous Urungus wore in ******* in Wonderland with that thing in the front. The same but different. You should look it up in an image search to see. Too hard to describe.
  8. J

    Epic/Legendary upgrade to quests

    Legendary Haverdasher. I want it just as quick but intense with much more brutality.
  9. J

    Concerns about DDO...

    The last time they 'upgraded' their servers, it was done in such an insulting manner that a third of the population left when the game became unplayable. When they refused to admit there was even a problem after a few months, another 25% left. The old servers were still faster than the ones used...
  10. J

    Collectables question

    Silver Flame Hymnals, Mortar&Pestles and Khyber Prayer Pamphlets are the ones I commonly have to go farm when working a new class. Easy farms for the most part though. Medium and Purified Eberron Dragonshards are always welcome too. Edit: reread 'anything but cannith crafting'. Then I suppose...
  11. J

    Are you afraid? of starting quests without the party leader present?

    Not afraid, but I certainly wouldn't. I would consider it rude.
  12. J

    Jack-o-lantern cosmetic orb for 2024 Night Revel please

    ... a House J banker too please ....
  13. J

    Platinum Auction House bugged?

    I often have to remember to re-click an item I am buying and keep the cursor more to the right side of the line item in order to activate the bid or buyout buttons. If I click toward the center of the line item, it highlights the line item, but doesn't activate the buttons. It has a similar...
  14. J

    Hireling AI is broken after last patch

    I got in way over my head last life, and had missed that the contract for my hireling had expired. I bought the same hireling I usually carried in my folder through the store in a pinch for dodo points. I honestly felt there was an extremely better ai behind the gold seal hireling.
  15. J

    ToEE Part One Rares: Have You Seen These Monsters?

    You're correct. He spawned for me Friday night at the jail cells near the torture chamber. He was part of the initial spawning.
  16. J

    [ENFORCED] Should I Stop Making Threads/Polls?

    Vote smart. Vote Pickle Jar.
  17. J

    ToEE Part One Rares: Have You Seen These Monsters?

    Part 1 is actually a quest I like to run a lot. I have easily ran this quest over a hundred times, including maybe ten times since the change. Some of my observations below. Note that I usually deep scrub the place for the kill count. I usually d-door back to beginning when respawn occurs. I...
  18. J

    Settle an argument

    In a group setting where you're all playing with each other, it should be discussed beforehand. Zerg is a common keyword to convey the point on whats expected if you join the group. At that point, grabbing your junk (or grabbing someone elses junk) is probably not a great idea. If it's hasn't...
  19. J

    How bad is farming legandary gear on Normal/Hard ?

    Think back to that time at the grocery store when you were loading up the car and accidentally got your marble sack snagged on something in the trunk just moments before you closed the lid repeatedly. It's something akin to that. Will make you wish you had gone off to do anything else. Elite...
  20. J

    When Voodusypce becomes DDO President

    I was going to vote for Voodu, but I did some research. I must keep my sources anonymous, but I will share some tidbits since I have already passed them on to the National Examiner. It has been expressed to me that he willingly spoke to Aglaya Karushkin and informed her of the truth about her...