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    Questions About This and That

    The Shadar-kai clearly wasn't a hireling, and hirelings don't need to breathe anyway. Sophie just created an Iconic Hero and he was likely volunteering to do the drowning swimming.

    Spell to disable trap?

    Most Bear traps are visible nowadays, and only trigger once. For dealing with Spell Wards you can already use 'Dispel Magic' scrolls if you have the relevant UMD, etc. The "Find Traps" spell would temporarily grant the equivalent of the required Trapfinding feat. The 'Find Traps' scroll is...

    Can't view Page History anymore

    Yes, illegal regardless. There was lack of due diligence concerning data extraction. Let alone several other unauthorised activities that miscreant was involved in. That's why I couldn't be more specific in the previous post.

    Can't view Page History anymore

    I believe those settings were changed because unfortunately some miscreant was using illegal methods to try and abuse the 'Recent changes' pages.

    Crystal Cove tips?

    Flimsy has explained in the past about why the Crystal Cove and Kobolds are only able to use the standard 'Dimension Doors'. See the old DDO Forums thread (2019): Kobolds, [Post #13]. He simply didn't get his hands on the version of Dimension Door that can be created by Shadowdancers when he...

    Restless Isles needs to be updated

    An Open Lock DC of 45 is sufficient for unlocking those locked checkpoint barriers within 'The Restless Isles' wilderness tunnels. Alternatively you could use the appropriate 'Runetusk Pass-Keys' acquired from killing the Runetusk Overseers (as mention above).

    Tomb of the Forbidden

    I was fully aware of the quest mechanics as per [Post #17], and I regularly solo that quest. Remember: when you just use a hireling you prime the lever yourself; you cannot pass any 'Small [Red/Blue] Gears' to the hire. Therefore, lever pulling is semi-synchronised under those conditions. I'll...

    Tomb of the Forbidden

    If you are just soloing 'Tomb of the Forbidden', with a single Hire for the semi-synchronised "lever pulling" function. They probably won't kill everything on their side; it is 3-minutes wait for the first Gate set, and 5-minutes wait for the second Gate set. Under those conditions, i.e. if the...

    Is DDO an rpg or an Arpg or a mix of both?

    Traps that can be disarmed with the Disable Device skill require DC skill checks. Spot, Search, Disable Device and Open Lock all use DC checks. It's basically irrelevant if you roll 1 or 20 regarding either Failure or Success for your Disable Device roll, with regards to a trap. You are just...
  10. DYWYPI

    Can we tweak the colors for DCs?

    Typically a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between the 'relative luminance' of text and its background colour is recommended for normal text. However, that's oversimplified and doesn't address everything. The text in that image [Post #1] does look smaller than a normal: 16px or 12pt. Perhaps...
  11. DYWYPI

    Forums Unavailable for a few hours today

    The issue with the reCAPTCHA not loading for Mozilla Firefox yesterday was due to Google writing poor quality code in their last reCAPTCHA update, it was nothing to do with SSG. See: reCAPTCHA is broken for [some|most|all] Windows users:
  12. DYWYPI

    A Greeting From The DDO Wiki!

    Yes, I can see a single reference to Google AdSense adverts in the page source code: // However, I don't see the adverts on that site regardless of being logged in or out (and I don't stay logged in). Even if I were to clear all my browser...
  13. DYWYPI

    A Greeting From The DDO Wiki!

    Personally I've never seen any adverts on that website this year. It might be partly due to the User Agent I am using and my settings. I would assume using either or browser extension with the EasyList filter...
  14. DYWYPI

    Malchor's Undersun Goggles - Anyone know of a compiled listing of areas in the game these are usefull? or is it just in the Underdark wilderness?

    Malchor's Undersun Goggles will also function within the quests 'Beyond the Rift' and 'Don't Drink the Water'.
  15. DYWYPI

    Automatically Open Lock

    There are some doors that "auto" swing open when you pick their lock. In fact most 'breakable doors' can be unlocked with 'Open Lock'. There are several generic Levers that you can also unloosen with 'Open Lock', just off the top of my head; Spies in the House, Bargain of Blood, Search and...
  16. DYWYPI

    Skills needed for quest optionals

    That first table on that 'Specific quest requirements' page basically lists quests that require mandatory 'Ability checks' to "complete" the quest. Or quests that "typically" in most cases can't be physically soloed by all classes. For example, quest mechanics requiring two or more bodies to be...
  17. DYWYPI

    Anyone know why we’re getting span for the United Arab Emirates?

    They're all Spambots, and some are likely AI bots. Most of the recent ones are using things like homoglyphs, for example Latvian special characters to bypass the default spam filters. CAPNTHLA:
  18. DYWYPI

    This may sound odd

    All the older vendor purchasable Epic Rogue Hirelings have Search DCs lower than Search DC:55 (even if they use their Skills boost if they have one on their hotbar). Note: Level 20 quests on Epic Elite have a minimum suspected Search DC of 59. The quest 'Spies in the House' has a suspected...
  19. DYWYPI

    Ideas for new puzzle styles

    If I had to attempt to recall the 'Simon Says' style 5 rune sequences, i.e. no written notes, on average it would take me well over 20-minutes of repeated attempts... I'd probably even have some issues assigning substitute letters and numbers; so instead I just have to draw three separate...
  20. DYWYPI

    Tomb of the Shadow Knight, never got spot for one trap

    All the traps within the quest 'Tomb of the Shadow Knight' have a Spot and Search DC of 28 on Elite. You have to trigger some traps first to get their correct Spot value.