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  1. D

    How to fix disconnection from chat?

    Disconnected right now while piking (joined late) devils assault. Just logged in. Joined a group and no chat. Totally sucks. Happens everyday to me
  2. D

    U69 Patch 3 Preview of raid loot

    Very cool, thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see this raid!
  3. D

    Yes, PB is mapping Myth Drannor

    Thanks so much for your effort. This rocks!
  4. D

    Myth Drannor rare location pics

    Duh on me lol. Yah I reset a couple times and couldn't find a few. Definitely rare!
  5. D

    Myth Drannor rare location pics

    Is is just me or are the rares "relocating"? I am running to these spots now after having seen one or two before butbthey are there anymore. Or I'm going crazy. I got the one near house of song before it's not showing up twice now resetting. A couple others just seem to not be there these last...
  6. D

    Poll (legit): Did you buy Myth Drannor?

    Bought it. Love the new content. Not sure about the gear yet but It did fing a Sun Aug so far. +10 arfitfact bonus to spell penetration and that was nice so far. Not gonna complain. It's a very pretty new area and I like having new things to do and explore
  7. D

    Myth Drannor - Portal?

    The portal in the grove indeed takes you to Myth Drannor. Tried this AM. Can't wait to jump in later and try some of the new content!
  8. D

    Fred's First Date has bugged out multiple times ...

    Ok so bugged for me also when I tried to solo it r1. Completed everything, even had a melee hire for the strength optional. Finished all parts, it said talk to Fred near the exit, so I did but it wouldn't advance. Just saiy "Follow me" or "stay here". No option to end. This was after...