Ok, Cormyr is open for my non-vip account but closed for my vip account. I'm currently making my toon on the non-vip account :/
Update: I am running around in the game world on my 7th level toon with my non-vip account while being locked out of my vip account...fun!
I personally took the time to run the quests solo several times through to get familiar with them. I mostly PUG past lives though. I think a lot of people are doing the same. There were no LFMs up when I was in town, but there were always people running around and hanging out by the zone in.
Since the game seems to be down maybe I can save folks from wasting some very valuable items here.
I would strongly advise against using your discovery pots on your first runs of a new expansion, and especially this one.
You will take the very longest time to find and finish a quest the first...
Got stuck trying to get into a quest and closed out to try and log back in. Can't get in as I'm stuck on "Loading New Game Data."
This is definitely an Orien Problem as I was able to log on to Ghallanda and Argo easily and interact with the bank problem free.
So, the Daily Gold Rolls used to be 20 hours apart, but yesterday I was able to get it it in something like 18 hours. Was going to try to get it earlier today, but...
I was able to get the 1250 Favor Reward like normal, but now can't get the Vendor to give me the 3000 Favor Reward. It says "Gain 300 total favor and then return to the Hardcore Vendor for this reward" even though I have 3209 favor.
I've tried to get the reward 5 different times with another...
I would actually prefer if they made these Epic in the 22-26 level range. There's just not much content there, and it's obvious they're going to put all the new content in Legendary.
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