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  1. S

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    Is this true or once you receive it you get to keep it? "Get 5 additional slots of Shared Account Storage while you remain VIP."
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    VIP Loyalty Reward Program NPC Claim Issue

    Weren't we supposed to get 500 DDO points on May 1st?
  3. S

    Sales: April 4th -11th

    GRTSLAYBOOST says expired when trying to use it.
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    Gold Sparkling Dust for Companions - Fails to Show When Changing Loading Zones

    What happen to the trappers dropping spiders in sharn quest? Did they run out of spider molds?
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    Hey Tonquin!

    Can we hide that ring of magic below a dragon lord?
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    Jeweler's Tool Kit

    WOW! Do a search in the DDO store for Jeweler's Tool Kit and see what you DON'T find! In fact, do a search for Jeweler and wont find it either. Do a search for tool and it is way down below a bunch of crap that doesn't remotely make sense.
  7. S

    Hey Tonquin!

    I thought druid elemental stances didn't shut off after death anymore. Wife played her druid for this first time in a while and the fire elemental stance and the imbue shut off every time she died. Did this accidentally get reverted back to the old way or wai?
  8. S

    Hey Tonquin!

    Yes, my thrower "dagger" has been complaining about this since I made him 2 and a half years ago. Just make it back to lvl 32 yesterday and was complaining the whole time about it.
  9. S

    Hey Tonquin!

    Dino Crafting - Horn: Resistance says +12 ENHANCEMENT bonus to Saving Throws. But it does not stack with items that have +x Resistance Bonus. Is the horn's Enhancement bonus a typo or should it stack?
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    Downtime Notice: Thursday, November 30th 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT)

    I do mean Harm. And after some testing, Harm is the only one, and best one of course. All the inflict wounds spells work fine and do not take the absorbs.
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    Downtime Notice: Thursday, November 30th 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT)

    Spell Absorption is making it to where undead can't heal themselves with hate again. The Two-Headed Platinum Piece Dark Apostate Hate Spell
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    Slylok's List of Fixes and Wishes

    Morning Star Flail, a wooden shaft joined by a chain to one or more iron-shod bars.
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    Slylok's List of Fixes and Wishes

    NEW - Undead characters - harm spell option to always cast on themselves like you did for living creatures and heal spells NEW - Add a PvP pit to the guild ship. NEW - Add trainers to the guild ship. NEW - Add an ability to teleport to the guild ship with one of the expansion packs. NEW - All...
  14. S

    Is Shield Deflection working?

    The description of Shield deflection reads... When actively blocking with any type of shield you are proficient with, you have a (competence bonus) chance to completely ignore Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage. The chance is based on the type of shield being used: Buckler: 20% | Small...
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    Can't crunch Legendary Shining Reliquary Shuriken for the reaper dust?

    That stuff isn't considered named. You can actually craft on it. So, considered random loot.
  16. S

    Can't crunch Legendary Shining Reliquary Shuriken for the reaper dust?

    hmmm then give me a guy that will buy the star for 1 reaper dust :) /puts down the rocket science book
  17. S

    Can't crunch Legendary Shining Reliquary Shuriken for the reaper dust?

    Is this "working as intended"? I have a Legendary Shining Reliquary Shuriken with a reaper bonus. I cant put it in the reaper dust machine in the hall of heroes.
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    U60 Lammania Preview 1 - XP System Adjustments

    Favor incentives. Releveling only to get enough favor to get the bag slots, bank slots, hit point boost and quest/raid prep that you are use to for end game fun gets very repetitive. Maybe add additional favor for getting conquest on quest? People would get their target favor rewards quicker...
  19. S

    Introducing: The Underdark Patron's Coffers!

    One year later and no raptor mount dance. How far in the future are we talking? Mad props on the Kitty mount and storage though! I really needed it with the level increase and items being bound to character. Any chance there will be a "soon" time to buy 20 character bank slots for each of my...
  20. S

    Gold rolls come back maybe?

    Since the update to VIP is on the back burner for the foreseeable future, maybe bring back the daily gold rolls till that time? Or discount things we buy in the ddo store for VIP?