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  1. R

    Trouble reaching Sarlona login server. Anyone else?

    I've been trying to log in for 15 minutes and no luck. Anyone else having trouble currently?
  2. R

    why is my hireling moving?

    I'm standing at the top of a ramp. I'm looking down at the hirling stand still marker at the bottom of the ramp. My hireling is at the top of the ramp dead in traps... WTFO? Can you please at least make them stand still when we tell them to stand still?
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    A Summary of Everything 64bit from Friday@4 w/Severlin

    Severlin talked about how the servers have very different characters. Some almost exclusively raid. Some run only n/h/e. Some run only reaper. Some are heavy into TRs and some are not. It is entirely possible that everyone you know plays alts and the new fresh start server will be great for...
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    A Summary of Everything 64bit from Friday@4 w/Severlin

    This is it. Severlin has stated that the data backs up what we feel each time HCL starts. The servers lose a lot of population to HCL and then more quit until HCL ends and those players return. When the 64bit opens some percentage of server players will go. This will leave the already...
  5. R

    Using “Cower before me”?

    I just had this conversation with a friend two nights ago, so I'll share what I learned. Sunder and imp sunder are feats with their own formulas. Sunder is 10 + Str mod + Sunder Bonuses Imp Sunder is 14 + Str mod + Sunder Bonuses This makes the DC of Imp Sunder better than regular sunder, but...
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    cordo on livestream: 64 bit servers need you to start with completely new toons

    When I heard about 64 bit servers I was excited. The idea of a merge to help with population has been discussed a lot. I'm for that. I often either TR a character at the start of hardcore or take a couple week break because of the population dip during hardcore, so merging servers could help...
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    Question about draconic raiders box

    I am hearing its 1 per server and bound. Can I leave it unclaimed and take follow on rewards until I know which character I want the loot on?
  8. R

    cannith crafting changes recently?

  9. R

    What is the plan for players with more than 156 reaper points?

    Short: Please add assassinate to the tactics line in Adversary. Medium Adversary: Cores: select MP or RP 1st column is selector: MP or RP 2nd column is selector: Trip, Stun, sunder, assassinate, diplo, bluff, intim 4th column is selector: INT, CHA, WIS, DEX, STR (Exclusive with Thaumaturge)...
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    The Reaper XP problem

    Unless you remove normal xp from reaper quests, most leveling will still be done on R1. Even if the R1 normal xp was lowered the same as elite. You cross a point where you are more powerful leveling R1 than on elite, so even for the same xp, R1 would be faster.
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    The Reaper XP problem

    1. If you don't like to group, then you are far less likely to be able to run high reaper and get points fast. But if you don't group, why would it matter??? 2. As others have said, you don't need past lives to get reaper xp. In fact, I've recently begun work on a new character and started...
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    Undocumented pre-requisite in Fury of the Wild

    BLUF: Please remove the pre-requisite between Fury and Force selector. Now that some of the big bugs with 66 have been worked on, can we please discuss the pre-requisite that was added between Fury Selector and Force Selector? This did not exist before 66 and many other destinies and was not...
  13. R

    Sincere question: Why is Epic/Legendary Losing Community Engagement?

    So the conversation was something like: someone: you can use healing pillar me: true, but then you can't use your epic strike someone: then you are healing wrong, stand with the group and heal me: are you saying you must be a healbot?
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    Sincere question: Why is Epic/Legendary Losing Community Engagement?

    So are you saying the only correct way to heal is to be a healbot?
  15. R

    Sincere question: Why is Epic/Legendary Losing Community Engagement?

    Using pillar also means you can't use your epic strike offensively...
  16. R

    FPS degrading with each subsequent quest.

    My guild has been discussing what were are seeing today. Without swapping characters we are getting FPS drop with each new quest we go to. Could be zone swaps, not sure yet. For example: I restarted my client in argynvostholt and my framerate went to 120 where i have it capped. I lost 30-40...
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    Fury of the wild -- added prerequisite not in release notes

    I was having a lot of trouble with the post editor earlier. Working better now. I was able to lable them now.
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    Fury of the wild -- added prerequisite not in release notes

    I put the old versions from the wiki here so you can compare to the versions on live.