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Nooks & Crannies
update ??
update ??
The idea behind this is the quests in the limited wilderness area of Threnal specifically The Giant Lieutenants Lv 9, The Giant's Lair Lv 9, The Threnal Arena Lv 9, The Giant's Supplies Lv 10. These quests don't give favor and since they are walk up quests they don't give end rewards either. This setup was revisited in part with the quests in The Cogs for walkups, but Favor is rewarded on completion. I liked the feel of "finding" an area and questing thru it.
Now my idea is to add a number of quests like the Threnal ones but to scatter them across multiple areas. This could include Wildernesses and Public areas across many different levels. This could revitalize Wilderness that people skip and make it feel more like D&D for "Side Quests". This could also fill in some of the lower quest numbers per level. Not all of them would have to be both Heroic and Epic since we have King's Forrest as an epic only area, the quests placed there would have to be Epic. For the Wildernesses that have both Heroic and Epic the quests there could be different for each one. If they took a page from the game Dungeon Keeper they had a feature where on a Full Moon, Hidden levels would be accessible. Not sure if this kind of feature could be implemented in the current game. As a furtherance of this idea, if they can't do a single overall update then 1 or more quests added per quarter would be nice.
Now some people would say "Why run them if there is no favor?". So, a suggestion for that would be what if they gave for Casual, Normal, Hard, Elite favor at 0(1?), 1, 2, 3. While this is low it is better than nothing. Now the Favor from this could be included into a new group called Explorers or something like that (suggestions?). Depending on how many quests were eventually added this could add up to more than The Free Agents total.
Now this is my opinion, and I welcome others.
Edit: Refutor asked a question so to clarify my objective, imagine walking thru the Stormhorn wilderness and coming across a new cave. Upon walking up to it you get the quest "The Bear's Den" with the objective to kill the agressive bear that has been terrorizing the locale area (Lv 19 base). While inside you also encounter spiders, and other minor enemies and for the finally you find the bear and cubs also along with the many corpses of people that had been felled by the bear (Treasure & Loot). Average first time running 7-10 minutes, on replaying time should be about 5 minutes on Elite/R1 average. (Again, this is just my opinion/idea.)
The way to look at my idea is in Pen and Paper (PnP) D&D you would sometimes have minor side quests that aren't part of your main campaign (At least when I am DMing) even though it doesn't further the campaign it allows a little diversion to it.
Edit: Purr gave an example of the Yaun Ti rare located in High Road wilderness. This is a perfect example for size, location, duration and number of enemies for what would make a Nooks & Crannies style quest.
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