Advice about joining a guild


Grouchy Vet
Yeah, every guild is different.
I run a very very small guild, we have four members. But we work together and help one another out and are about to crest level 50 and have a fully fleshed out giant ship. We don't use in game guild chat, but we do use discord and voice chat when playing. People aren't required to party together, but if some one askes for help we lend a hand. So it boils down to what you want. Do you want to play with people who could be helpful friends, a large raiding community with no real ties, or just want to get the buffs and forget about everyone else?
If it's the later you should probably set up your own guild and start working on your own ship - it's pretty time and money consuming if going alone.


Hi Alegar,

I just wanted to add my two cents here as my situation somewhat mirrors yours, though in my case the difficulties with grouping are a little more severe - namely that i struggle to even try in the first place, let alone do anything with the chat. I can attest to the effectiveness of the solo guild option & i'm sure there are plenty around going that way. I'm kind of conflicted with this whole issue because the spirit of the game and dnd in general is of course a team thing, but i stopped pushing myself to open my games to others, just would get anxious about maybe being judged, or not meeting expectations, or making errors that might spoil the experience for others - silly for the mostpart because most of the folks i've come into contact with around the game have been very positive in nature.

I tried the guild thing once with mixed results. The people were friendly and I was able to experience for the first time how it was to play in a little group (with people i'm comfortable around i really enjoy that), but whenever planned activities were organized (raids or more social things - find the person and win a prize etc) I would go missing - or donate prizes but not participate in the event. I've no idea what was so daunting about such things that they caused anxiety but I left after a while because I felt there was no point being in there if i wasn't going to join in. It wasn't a complete failure on my part though - some of the people I met in there I went on to form a little group with and enjoy many happy hours of questing, which was great. I find i'm more comfortable around newer players to the game - happy to share my experiences & help them progress some. With the more seasoned players I always have this complex about not being good enough - of course in groups I do have fairly serious shortcomings due to my lack of experience in that format.

TLDR - If joining a guild just for the buffs, the way you've gone about it is the correct one in my opinion.
Thank you for your input and support of my decision, Purple Haze. Your anxiety mirrors mine, just to a greater extreme it seems. The feeling of not doing well enough is hard to shake, even though I have not had people complain to me. Which makes grouping something I usually only do for raids, since I can't get Comms of Heroism any other way. It is good that we can find ways to enjoy the game on our terms.


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
Just wanna say, just playing creates a "passive" income of favor: for example, just killing monsters periodically gives 5 favor, and when finishing a quest, instead of any of their rewards, you can instead grab a Favor reward (low level dungeon rewards gives 50, mid level gives 150, etc.)
This is true, except it's Renown not Favor...Once you hit max for plat (4.3 mill, I think), your best reward is likely at the bottom of the list; guild renown (unless you are a crafter and want to melt stuff down for essences).
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Grouchy Vet
This is true, except it's Renown not Favor...Once you hit max for plat (4.3 mill, I think), your best reward is likely at the bottom of the list; guild renown (unless you are a crafter and want to melt stuff down for essences).
I melt so much stuff down now days for essences. . .only a few levels off from 300 in cannith now.
Also, if anyone is playing on cannith and I am at level and flagged I am more than happy to help people with tier 3 and below raids. Just pm me here and I'll shoot you my mains names to add to a friends list. I'll even help with von if really needed. . .ugh, von.
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Well-known member
If you take TrinityTurtle's advice and create your own guild, you should create a total of 6 accounts (5 ftp accounts work fine) and log into each account at least once every 2 weeks to get the biggest small guild renown bonus (for some reason a 6 account guild gets a bigger bonus than a 1 or 2 account guild).
Thank you so much for this tip. I was leveling my little personal guild at what I thought was an ok pace, but creating the other accounts made the guild renown skyrocket. I just hit 60, so I now have the maximum 5% XP boost, which is really nice.

Two quick questions about guilds:
1. Other than the 5% XP boost at guild level 60, are there subsequent guild amenities I should be striving for? All of the buffs and amenities look helpful, but I wasn't sure if there are specific things that people really shoot for.

2. At what level do the global announcements for guild leveling happen? This is really just more for curiosity, since I see them happen every once in a while. Oh! And a separate, but related question, how do you make that announcement go away from your screen. So far, I have only figured out to log out and back in to get rid of it.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for this tip. I was leveling my little personal guild at what I thought was an ok pace, but creating the other accounts made the guild renown skyrocket. I just hit 60, so I now have the maximum 5% XP boost, which is really nice.

Two quick questions about guilds:
1. Other than the 5% XP boost at guild level 60, are there subsequent guild amenities I should be striving for? All of the buffs and amenities look helpful, but I wasn't sure if there are specific things that people really shoot for.

2. At what level do the global announcements for guild leveling happen? This is really just more for curiosity, since I see them happen every once in a while. Oh! And a separate, but related question, how do you make that announcement go away from your screen. So far, I have only figured out to log out and back in to get rid of it.
1. Many of the rewards up to level 150 have some value although some are more useful for certain builds.

2. At level 100 you get your first announcement. Then level 150 and every 10 levels after that.

Under your guild tab is a Rewards tab that lists the rewards. Also see


Well-known member
1. Many of the rewards up to level 150 have some value although some are more useful for certain builds.

2. At level 100 you get your first announcement. Then level 150 and every 10 levels after that.

Under your guild tab is a Rewards tab that lists the rewards. Also see
Thank you again. This is very helpful. I had been grinding a bit so that I could get the 5% XP shrine, so it's nice to get back to just adventuring while I work through past lives.