Axel: Free to Play Guide and Challenge Series


Well-known member
Decided to do an instructional playthrough for new players, explaining things as I play through Korthos on a fresh free to play account.

Full Series Playlist:

0:00 Character Creation
7:38 The Grotto
20:14 Heyton's Rest
27:37 The Storehouse's Secret
32:02 The Cannith Crystal
37:50 The Collaborator
46:20 Stopping the Sahuagin
55:33 Redemption
1:05:09 Necromancer's Doom
1:10:35 Sacrifices
1:22:16 Misery's Peak
1:37:00 Vintage Old Sully's Grog
Last edited:


Well-known member
There's now an episode 2, the Harbor! Doing this series as a pure free to play, all solo. And in addition, no auction house, no guild buffs, no store (other than points I earn by playing), no gifts from other players/accounts. Just using what I find.

0:00 Harbor Introduction
5:23 Protect Baudry's Interests
11:41 Stop Hazadill's Shipment
18:48 Retrieve the Stolen Goods
30:04 The Smuggler's Warehouse
44:14 The Kobolds' New Ringleader
54:47 Stealthy Repossession
1:04:25 Getting an Extra Ingredients Bag!
1:06:45 Bind points, guild ships, auctioneers, mail
1:12:51 Walk the Butcher's Path
1:22:01 Recovering the Lost Tome
1:33:11 Durk's Got a Secret
1:46:55 Garrison's Missing Pack
1:55:23 The Miller's Debt
1:57:47 Haverdasher
2:01:41 Information is Key
2:09:20 Arachnophobia
2:15:15 Bringing the Light


Well-known member
Episodes 3 and 4 now available! Due to some issues with my editing software I had to upload these simultaneously as separate videos, even though I originally intended them to be a single episode. I bumped the FPS on the recording to 60 and it wasn't playing nice with that it seems. So that's why Episode 4 doesn't have an intro and Episode 3 ends abruptly.

If you like these videos and have particular topics you want me to talk about as I record them please post a comment over on YouTube and let me know.

0:00 Shopping in the Market, Various Q&A Topics
19:32 Home Sweet Sewer
22:52 Kobold Assault
41:32 Where There's Smoke...
53:53 The Captives
1:07:07 Swiped Signet

0:00 Intro/Item Durability Damage
3:04 Redfang the Unruled
22:37 Missing in Action
30:41 The Sunken Sewer


Well-known member
Love the idea behind this.

There are lots of barriers on being full F2P. Some of them make zero sense.

Ultimately - the fact that DDO can be played for free, makes it a game worth checking out. Many Premium and VIP players started out that way. And I'm sure we've all played with amazing people/guildies, who are even pure F2P. Which is why segregating the community, is a really bad idea. But that's a discussion for another thread.

Keep em coming Axel! I will be showing this series to friends who haven't tried DDO yet.


Scourge of Xaos
If you are making videos to help new players, have you considered making a video with a new download and install guide? Lots of people have client/directx/loading up the game issues.

Either way, great videos!