Buff warlock single target damage


The People's Champion
This video is a just a basic comparison of my utility arti vs my warlock (there's much higher melee/ranged/caster builds out there that would do way faster times). I opted to just auto-attack for it (fusillade, active attacks, the Shiradi epic moment, etc. vs active attacks on the warlock would've increase the gap even greater). The warlock was in enervating shadow stance for 150% single target scaling. This is just to emphasize just how bad warlock's boss damage is at cap.

So yeah, buff warlock single target damage. Make default single target blast stance 200% SP scaling and Enervating Shadow 250% (or 300%) via their default scaling or replace the broken TS core 18 with that or something something; it needs a huge boost.


kinda-known member
I never played warlock in its heyday but of the lives of done (I'm currently doing one now) I've never felt like Warlock dps is that great. Its consistent and can be a pretty smooth playstyle. I just don't feel like I get that wow I crushed that so and so. It's more like huh that pack of mobs went down fairly quick. I guess I'm addicted to spike damage and big crits 😅


The Best
I don't usually waste my time with these discussions but what's your point?

1) You won all 3 battles.
2) EVERYBODY already knows Ranged DPS at endgame is very high.
3) Maybe YOU don't know how to play Warlock?
4) This is the definition of anecdotal evidence.

At LEAST tell us what your real complaint is instead of throwing us a bunch of fodder that means nothing.

I for one play Warlock, enjoy it and have no problem killing and surviving at cap. Why does Warlock need to be as proficient as another class in one specific aspect? Warlock does things that Arti typically cannot, and vice versa. The idea that a class or race has to be optimal in order to be useful is as ridiculous as these long, tiresome threads like this one that remain as undecided even after hundreds of comments.


I don't work for SSG- I pay their bills.
I don't usually waste my time with these discussions but what's your point?

1) You won all 3 battles.
2) EVERYBODY already knows Ranged DPS at endgame is very high.
3) Maybe YOU don't know how to play Warlock?
4) This is the definition of anecdotal evidence.

At LEAST tell us what your real complaint is instead of throwing us a bunch of fodder that means nothing.

I for one play Warlock, enjoy it and have no problem killing and surviving at cap. Why does Warlock need to be as proficient as another class in one specific aspect? Warlock does things that Arti typically cannot, and vice versa. The idea that a class or race has to be optimal in order to be useful is as ridiculous as these long, tiresome threads like this one that remain as undecided even after hundreds of comments.
Everyone also knows warlock does absolutely no damage whatsoever. 🤝 I’d say buff the damage so it is somewhat useful, currently a warlocks only use is debuffs or for *slowly* grinding racials.


The People's Champion
I don't usually waste my time with these discussions but what's your point?

1) You won all 3 battles.
2) EVERYBODY already knows Ranged DPS at endgame is very high.
3) Maybe YOU don't know how to play Warlock?
4) This is the definition of anecdotal evidence.

At LEAST tell us what your real complaint is instead of throwing us a bunch of fodder that means nothing.

I for one play Warlock, enjoy it and have no problem killing and surviving at cap. Why does Warlock need to be as proficient as another class in one specific aspect? Warlock does things that Arti typically cannot, and vice versa. The idea that a class or race has to be optimal in order to be useful is as ridiculous as these long, tiresome threads like this one that remain as undecided even after hundreds of comments.
I think my complaint was completely well stated in the title of this post and in my explanation; warlock has very poor single target damage that doesn't scale up well towards cap. I could've use any melee, any ranged, most casters out there instead of the arti for the same comparsion; I just happen to have a ultility (non-DPS based) arti laying around to easily show the issue. Warlock does well on trash fights, it's junk on bosses compared to basicially everything out there. Feel free to show some evidence of your own where warlock does great boss damage and post that build, thanks.


Active member
The trick to getting passable dps on a Warlock is to take all the crit multiplier from tainted scholar while getting crit chance from soul eater, and then grabbing as many destiny abilities, SLAs, ruins, etc that you almost never have to use eldritch blast. Warlock gets the best stats of any dps caster, but eldritch blast is just such bad base damage that the only way to go is to use those crit stats on any other spell you can get your hands on.

Of course, all this just results in "passable" dps, as in you might not fall asleep during the boss fight.


The People's Champion
The trick to getting passable dps on a Warlock is to take all the crit multiplier from tainted scholar while getting crit chance from soul eater, and then grabbing as many destiny abilities, SLAs, ruins, etc that you almost never have to use eldritch blast. Warlock gets the best stats of any dps caster, but eldritch blast is just such bad base damage that the only way to go is to use those crit stats on any other spell you can get your hands on.

Of course, all this just results in "passable" dps, as in you might not fall asleep during the boss fight.
100% one can pump out more damage for "passable" on warlock. My utility arty was 22s to kill stonejaw if I got sweaty (would be even faster on a DPS based character). Can get pretty sweaty on a warlock with ruin/gruin and other toys; I'd just like base single target warlock's blast boss damage to be more in line with basic damage from other type auto-attacks. I'm generally personally fine with their AoE/trash capabilities (others might not be and that's cool, they're probably a bit on the low end there too for scaling but that's a battle for someone else), I simply think the single target scaler needs adjusting to the be in line with the current state of the game and ever increasing boss HP. The end boss in ettercap incursion is what drove me to make this post, it feels like a slog to do it on my warlock vs other classes I run.


Well-known member
So yeah, buff warlock single target damage. Make default single target blast stance 200% SP scaling and Enervating Shadow 250% (or 300%) via their default scaling or replace the broken TS core 18 with that or something something; it needs a huge boost.
Why is this in general discussion instead of suggestions?

I agree with your goal, but I'm unsure if this is the right method. (Could work, could let metamagics affect blast, could add more feats that grant blast/pact dice) Could even add a Warlock focused ED with extra blast dice.


The People's Champion
I agree with your goal, but I'm unsure if this is the right method. (Could work, could let metamagics affect blast, could add more feats that grant blast/pact dice) Could even add a Warlock focused ED with extra blast dice.
Currently default single target blast is 125% scaling. Envervating shadow is 150%. (Cone & chain are 100%) My issue is with boss damage, so those are easy numbers to adjust. Extra blast dice would be nice, but the amount needed to make boss damage decent would likely make AoE way too strong. I went surgical knife suggestion for a specific issue vs broad buffs.


Well-known member
100% one can pump out more damage for "passable" on warlock. My utility arty was 22s to kill stonejaw if I got sweaty (would be even faster on a DPS based character). Can get pretty sweaty on a warlock with ruin/gruin and other toys; I'd just like base single target warlock's blast boss damage to be more in line with basic damage from other type auto-attacks. I'm generally personally fine with their AoE/trash capabilities (others might not be and that's cool, they're probably a bit on the low end there too for scaling but that's a battle for someone else), I simply think the single target scaler needs adjusting to the be in line with the current state of the game and ever increasing boss HP. The end boss in ettercap incursion is what drove me to make this post, it feels like a slog to do it on my warlock vs other classes I run.

I love these sorts of things, way better than people just posting nonsense with 0 testing.

I tried on my Stormsinger it has ~70% crit chance, ~1000 sp, ~105/90/60 critical damage lightning/sonic/cold. Pretty solid numbers pre-meta outside reaper IMO.

It took me ~34s


Well-known member
I think the real question is every class should be able to build towards dps or some classes are used only for "insert anything else you can do with your toon in a group"?

In my opinion every class should have the possibility (even if it make you useless on anything else), but probably is not what the devs think despite all new content is based on make trash and bosses HP Bags.