Buff warlock single target damage


The People's Champion
Fun fact, I didn't pop my trance, didn't use deadly, nor any other things on the arti for that video. I very much went barebones for a basic comparison. If someone wants to compare times of their warlocks going all in and various other melee/ranged/caster builds, go for it.


Well-known member
Would be curious how adding ruin and greater ruin into the Warlock approach affects it. I realize this opens can of worms regarding the arti options.


Well-known member
Currently default single target blast is 125% scaling. Envervating shadow is 150%. (Cone & chain are 100%) My issue is with boss damage, so those are easy numbers to adjust. Extra blast dice would be nice, but the amount needed to make boss damage decent would likely make AoE way too strong. I went surgical knife suggestion for a specific issue vs broad buffs.

To me Warlock just straight blasting should probably not be top-tier amazing DPS. But it could definitely use a boost.


Well-known member
Fun fact, I didn't pop my trance, didn't use deadly, nor any other things on the arti for that video. I very much went barebones for a basic comparison. If someone wants to compare times of their warlocks going all in and various other melee/ranged/caster builds, go for it.

What was your best time using hunts end, trance, boosts etc...?


Well-known member
Its admittedly been a long while since I played a warlock so i'm not super up to date on it, but did they ever fix the 10% blast attack speed core in tainted scholar? I remember that didn't work for a LONG time, and that would probably be a pretty easy fix that would help out dps at least a little bit.


The People's Champion
Would be curious how adding ruin and greater ruin into the Warlock approach affects it. I realize this opens can of worms regarding the arti options.
With ruin/gruin, using heroic AP to core20 TS, EDs for pure damage, and cycling debuffs/gruin/etc. 1m22s vs 22s using actives on the bubble arti.
Anything beyond that needs to be on lam where it's free to me.
What was your best time using hunts end, trance, boosts etc...?
That bubble arti was 22s when I actually open up. (I don't know where a pure DPS setup would be at, but given I've got 41 AP in pure utility, don't have t5 BE for threat range, etc. I would assume a good bit faster)
Its admittedly been a long while since I played a warlock so i'm not super up to date on it, but did they ever fix the 10% blast attack speed core in tainted scholar? I remember that didn't work for a LONG time, and that would probably be a pretty easy fix that would help out dps at least a little bit.
Nope, does absolutely nothing still; it's why I suggested they could make the single target damage scale up higher when taking that core as it currenltly a junk core.
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The People's Champion
I love these sorts of things, way better than people just posting nonsense with 0 testing.

I tried on my Stormsinger it has ~70% crit chance, ~1000 sp, ~105/90/60 critical damage lightning/sonic/cold. Pretty solid numbers pre-meta outside reaper IMO.

It took me ~34s
Nice test. That's a more reasonable value. Close to phyiscal damage dealers, but not topping them.


Ms Stabby Stabby
With ruin/gruin, using heroic AP to core20 TS, EDs for pure damage, and cycling debuffs/gruin/etc. 1m22s vs 22s using actives on the bubble arti.
Anything beyond that needs to be on lam where it's free to me.
I've one shot Stonejaw before on my glacial warlock. Still have some of the combat log and the party chat.


Well-known member
Nice test. That's a more reasonable value. Close to phyiscal damage dealers, but not topping them.

I am not 100% DPS could probably go faster, but given raids and grouping in R10s, I have EA as third tree and solid DC 130 evoc for R10 CC.

Honestly if I am running with good melee/ranged R10 groups I mostly heal/CC because stuff dies before I can do much DPS.


Well-known member
Nice test. That's a more reasonable value. Close to phyiscal damage dealers, but not topping them.
I actually think outside the high reaper penalty generally speaking caster DPS is fine its lower which given the utility I think makes sense.

To me the problem is under performers like Warlock, Cleric, FVS, Wizard and the high reaper penalty on spells.


The People's Champion
I agree about warlock dps needing help

I am curious though. Why Stonejaw as your parse tool?
It was just convenient and safe spotable. The worm in MD would be better if someone else was tanking it for me as the amount of HP there is a massive difference and it'd live beyond an epic moment. I wasn't really deep diving into a perfect test enviroment, min/max the builds fully, etc. I just wanted an easy visual show of what it feels like doing boss fights. If I actually thought SSG was going to revist warlock damage then I'd go thru more rigerious setups and testing (and comparing various warlock builds). This fight was just on par with my typical experiences these days when running these builds in quests and my frustation how a quest goes completely smoothly & fast until the end where it becomes a total slog.


The People's Champion
I think my mistake was asking for a buff. I should've just gone with "Nerf melee, ranged, and casters to the same levels as warlock single target DPS". I bet a lot of people would have very strong opinons then. :ROFLMAO:

But seriously, I more than welcome anyone to post fast solid warlock boss times and what setups they've got there. I know I can squeeze out faster with other setups, but even those setups when I messed with them were still heavily lacking on the boss front; but if someone has setups that aren't lacking there I'm fully open to seeing them.