I like crowd control and chain but if I need more damage then I turn off chain.
100%. I've tried various ED setups; some do better than others. I've done gruin/ruin setups, it feels less like the blaster warlock I leveled; which makes it not as much fun as other options (and the dps on bosses still doesn't take me where I could be vs just running gruin/ruin on other classes). Between (g)ruins and epic attacks are warlock abilities that are effectively filler damage; and compared the filler others get, it's falls off on bosses. I agree if one is just holding LMB then it'll should be on the lower end; but I (and others) don't just do that when playing (even if the video at the start is comparing auto-attacks to show the difference in how they hold up for emphasis on the issue).I get what you're saying and I agree those tools are needed to maximize DPS. However, the OP's point is that Eldritch Blast, a core mechanic of the class, is under performing--and it is. In a way, your suggestion is no different than my sarcastic one: Warlocks would do more damage be invest 41 points into Inquisitive. But that's not the point, is it?
I get what you're saying and I agree those tools are needed to maximize DPS. However, the OP's point is that Eldritch Blast, a core mechanic of the class, is under performing--and it is. In a way, your suggestion is no different than my sarcastic one: Warlocks would do more damage be invest 41 points into Inquisitive. But that's not the point, is it?
Like I said, people are welcome to post their times if they want to get total numbers. I later posted a normal play rotation on both my arti and my lock; and I'm equally curious what time differences others get between various classes/builds.Overwhelming Critical and Patience are baked into martial character dps so Greater Ruin/ Ruin should also be included since those are essential to any warlock build just like overwhelming critical. My comment was only in response to a question about whether those should be included in the testing. I believe they should and a test without those isn't really a valid test in my opinion as a test should be a typical warlock rotation and not just their weakest dps option. Any change to warlock needs to factor in how warlock performs at heroic levels and epic feats and abilities.
Auto-attack video 1m vs 2m (give or take) a 1:2 ratio (1m vs 1.5m 1:1.5 with magma). With using all attacks available to me, 22s vs 1m22s a 1:3.7 ratio. Like the comment I opened with, the gap grew (which aligned exactly with my day to day game play experience of running both characters); I simply wanted to emphasize the blast damage and not compare all the other clutter too without deep diving every little build difference (those that both improve and worse the gap).I opted to just auto-attack for it (fusillade, active attacks, the Shiradi epic moment, etc. vs active attacks on the warlock would've increase the gap even greater)
The attack faster bit in core 5 tainted doesn't seem to do anything. A guildy mentioned that ages ago Lich tried even faster attack speeds out on a test server and it still did nothing (so it wasn't just that 10% was too small to notice). Not sure if there's a potentional fix for it or if should just be replaced with something else.
Not really need IMO. We've already got 2 single target blast shapes; everyone gets one at warlock creation, the other in t4 TS. Swapping between blast shapes for the situation is a solid gameplay mechanic; they just need to be better with the damage they do.Would be cool if they redid the cone so the nose of the cone (closest to you) put out good single target sized dps while the rest of the cone perhaps stays the same. Or with chain, the direct target gets more dps.
Sooooo.. just up the damage?Not really need IMO. We've already got 2 single target blast shapes; everyone gets one at warlock creation, the other in t4 TS. Swapping between blast shapes for the situation is a solid gameplay mechanic; they just need to be better with the damage they do.
Not a bad idea elminster. I think what all warlocks want is to have even more of a delay in their blasting. We could make it so they charge for ~30 seconds before firing, and it just fires out greater ruins on repeat. Big brainWould an additional “charge up” mechanic work? Similar to runearms? The longer you hold, the greater AoE and damage.
Pretty much, my suggestion is literally changing the 2 single target's spell power scalers from the the current 125%/150% to something higher. Simple, fast, would only effect single target so no fallout of becoming broken AoE killing machines if the numbers are off. If too low still they could bump it up more, if it's too high they could bump it back down.Sooooo.. just up the damage?
Literally takes like 5 minutes switching a few numbers around in the code for bigger numbers?
Make default single target blast stance 200% SP scaling and Enervating Shadow 250% (or 300%) via their default scaling or replace the broken TS core 18 with that or something something; it needs a huge boost.
So is removing the high reaper spell nerf that is not at all needed after the epic strike nerf and MCL changes.This really seems like an easy fix and would placate a decent chunk of the player base; why won’t SSG just not do this? Feel like this takes literally 5 minutes.
Warlocks are my favourite class in 3.5 and my favourite class in 5e. I have not played a warlock in DDO yet and that's because I don't understand what was the thought process behind them.This video is a just a basic comparison of my utility arti vs my warlock (there's much higher melee/ranged/caster builds out there that would do way faster times). I opted to just auto-attack for it (fusillade, active attacks, the Shiradi epic moment, etc. vs active attacks on the warlock would've increase the gap even greater). The warlock was in enervating shadow stance for 150% single target scaling. This is just to emphasize just how bad warlock's boss damage is at cap.
So yeah, buff warlock single target damage. Make default single target blast stance 200% SP scaling and Enervating Shadow 250% (or 300%) via their default scaling or replace the broken TS core 18 with that or something something; it needs a huge boost.
Didn't Steelstar mention like 1 ½ years ago that there is gonna be a third force ED tree (assuming Primal Avatar is not counted as a proper force tree since they didn't mention it) coming in the future, likely the Warlock-themed ED tree of sort?A warlock themed ED that boosts blast would equally solve a bunch of issues and let them bake in another mantle & T5 that works well on blaster locks. Upping single target blast damage is the simplest solution I've got to the frustrating stuff I run into currently that doesn't require that level of work from the devs.
I know a while back Cordovan did it on his Friday's at 4 and it took almost 20 minutes
What a useless ED tree. They hate players having access to good force attacks.Didn't Steelstar mention like 1 ½ years ago that there is gonna be a third force ED tree (assuming Primal Avatar is not counted as a proper force tree since they didn't mention it) coming in the future, likely the Warlock-themed ED tree of sort?