New member
So I got my kids excited about crafting and recommended what I recall was popular item: ML 4 goggles with Blindness Immunity and True Sight, to be slotted with Featherfalling Augment
(Wll hope to find goggles with yellow plus a second slot to place Master's Gift, once they hit lvl 20 to assemble it)
Unfortunately, although I see "Place blindness shard" in the Bound Items machine, I cannot find the actual Blindness or True Seeing shard recipes in the Bound Shard machine.
I see there were updates made to Cannith Crafting in a couple recent updates but no mention of removing these recipes.
Please help; either this was a quiet and incomplete bug fix (remove instead of fix min lvl) or else I am missing something here.
Unfortunately we bought goggles with yellow slot on the AH and bought 2 FF topaz with DDO pts from store, so I will be bummed if this popular item can no longer be built. Thanks in advance for help.
(Wll hope to find goggles with yellow plus a second slot to place Master's Gift, once they hit lvl 20 to assemble it)
Unfortunately, although I see "Place blindness shard" in the Bound Items machine, I cannot find the actual Blindness or True Seeing shard recipes in the Bound Shard machine.
I see there were updates made to Cannith Crafting in a couple recent updates but no mention of removing these recipes.
Please help; either this was a quiet and incomplete bug fix (remove instead of fix min lvl) or else I am missing something here.
Unfortunately we bought goggles with yellow slot on the AH and bought 2 FF topaz with DDO pts from store, so I will be bummed if this popular item can no longer be built. Thanks in advance for help.