Cannith Crafting: Missing recipe for bound shards (blindness and true seeing)


New member
So I got my kids excited about crafting and recommended what I recall was popular item: ML 4 goggles with Blindness Immunity and True Sight, to be slotted with Featherfalling Augment

(Wll hope to find goggles with yellow plus a second slot to place Master's Gift, once they hit lvl 20 to assemble it)

Unfortunately, although I see "Place blindness shard" in the Bound Items machine, I cannot find the actual Blindness or True Seeing shard recipes in the Bound Shard machine.

I see there were updates made to Cannith Crafting in a couple recent updates but no mention of removing these recipes.

Please help; either this was a quiet and incomplete bug fix (remove instead of fix min lvl) or else I am missing something here.

Unfortunately we bought goggles with yellow slot on the AH and bought 2 FF topaz with DDO pts from store, so I will be bummed if this popular item can no longer be built. Thanks in advance for help.


The People's Champion
They're still there. They're CC level 250 to craft, so you might not have the ability to make them but if you manually adjust the level setting then you'll see tehm.


New member
They're still there. They're CC level 250 to craft, so you might not have the ability to make them but if you manually adjust the level setting then you'll see tehm.

Thank you so much I see them now.

I previously read "any new crafter can make this item" so thought they could be crafted as lvl 1 items, but it looks like kids will need to level up their characters crafting further. Here's to hoping another bonus weekend in plans... Very glad to know the recipes weren't actually dropped TYVM.
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I know I'm late to the party, but ML4? Why not ML1? Featherfall is easy to find... or can be slotted on a different item. The amazing thing about the true seeing/blindness immunity googles with the Master's Gift added is it's ML1. Add any other ML1 augment (Saltmarsh's Clearwater Diamond is a solid choice) for the perfect starter goggles.


Well-known member
I know I'm late to the party, but ML4? Why not ML1? Featherfall is easy to find... or can be slotted on a different item. The amazing thing about the true seeing/blindness immunity googles with the Master's Gift added is it's ML1. Add any other ML1 augment (Saltmarsh's Clearwater Diamond is a solid choice) for the perfect starter goggles.

Featherfall augments are ML4 hence making the item that level.
