Why do I have 411 .ddocp files
Tired of clicking a bunch for every item you want to deconstruct? Want to do it in only one click? Here's a script for you!
Reposting my AutoHotkey (hereafter AHK) script so I don't have to keep using the old forums (old forum post).
Dev stance on scripts is that as long as it's an action a human can do, and there's a human at the keyboard they're ok with it. Especially QoL or enabling, like this isn't gaining any competitive advantage
There was a deconstruction QoL change sometime in 2022, so it saves which recipe you're working on; this makes scripting it a lot weirder, or you can just deconstruct one item manually before using this script. I want this script to be easily legible to most people so you know you're not going to break something, so I'll go with the second option for simplicity.
To use the script:
1) Make sure you have AHK downloaded.
2) Copy the code below into Notepad etc.
3) Save it as WhateverYouWant.ahk (mine is named Deconstructor).
4) Run the script (right click > run, or double click on it).
5) In DDO, go to the Item Deconstruction Device, open the interface.
6) Deconstruct one item manually (so you get the right recipe selected).
7) Shift+Right Click on the left-most grey box in the "Your Ingredients" tab (see image below). This sets the target location for the current usage.
8) Shift+Left Click on items you want gone. Repeat as necessary.
9) Press Escape to close script.
Repeat Steps 4-9 as needed!
Just tested a fresh copy, works great for me. If your connection is good or bad, feel free to lower or raise the Sleep numbers as needed. If it's too fast you might have to click on an item again, no problems otherwise. Copy-pasting it from the forums might double-space your code, but it works just fine so no worries leaving it that way.
Let me know if you have any difficulties, questions, or suggestions
Reposting my AutoHotkey (hereafter AHK) script so I don't have to keep using the old forums (old forum post).
Dev stance on scripts is that as long as it's an action a human can do, and there's a human at the keyboard they're ok with it. Especially QoL or enabling, like this isn't gaining any competitive advantage
There was a deconstruction QoL change sometime in 2022, so it saves which recipe you're working on; this makes scripting it a lot weirder, or you can just deconstruct one item manually before using this script. I want this script to be easily legible to most people so you know you're not going to break something, so I'll go with the second option for simplicity.
To use the script:
1) Make sure you have AHK downloaded.
2) Copy the code below into Notepad etc.
3) Save it as WhateverYouWant.ahk (mine is named Deconstructor).
4) Run the script (right click > run, or double click on it).
5) In DDO, go to the Item Deconstruction Device, open the interface.
6) Deconstruct one item manually (so you get the right recipe selected).
7) Shift+Right Click on the left-most grey box in the "Your Ingredients" tab (see image below). This sets the target location for the current usage.
8) Shift+Left Click on items you want gone. Repeat as necessary.
9) Press Escape to close script.
Repeat Steps 4-9 as needed!
#SingleInstance Force ; prevents multiple instances of script
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; sets coordinates to absolute
#IfWinActive ahk_class Turbine Device Class ; checks to make sure you're in DDO
SetupX := ; X position of drop point
SetupY := ; Y position of drop point
DissX := ; X position of dissolve point
DissY := ; Y position of dissolve point
DecoX := ; X position of deconstruct point
DecoY := ; Y position of deconstruct point
+RButton:: ; Shift-Right Click on left box of drop point to set up
MouseGetPos, SetupX, SetupY ; get current mouse X and Y position for setup
DissX := SetupX + 30
DissY := SetupY - 300
DecoX := SetupX + 200
DecoY := SetupY + 30
+LButton:: ; Shift+Left Click on item to be deconstructed
MouseGetPos, VarX, VarY ; get current mouse positon
BlockInput On ; prevent user input
MouseClickDrag, L, , , %SetupX%, %SetupY% ; click and drag to drop point
Sleep 250 ; wait, not always long enough
Click %DissX%, %DissY% ; click on dissolve
Sleep 80 ; brief delay
Click %DecoX%, %DecoY% ; click on deconstruct
MouseMove, %VarX%, %VarY% ; move mouse to start location
BlockInput Off ; allow user input
Esc:: ; Escape closes this
Just tested a fresh copy, works great for me. If your connection is good or bad, feel free to lower or raise the Sleep numbers as needed. If it's too fast you might have to click on an item again, no problems otherwise. Copy-pasting it from the forums might double-space your code, but it works just fine so no worries leaving it that way.
Let me know if you have any difficulties, questions, or suggestions