Da doesn't make people kill monsters, never has. If you really believe that it absolutely does that, well. . .I have some beach front property in Arizona for sale. It most certainly doesn't prevent pathing lag, in fact, it doesn't do anything for pathing what so ever. It quite literally doesn't change a thing when it comes to the pathing of creatures.
There are ways to 'magically' fix pathing issues. 1) change how creatures are spawned (use a spawn in system instead of having things spawn all at once when entering a dungeon or area, this can be done with triggers, way point spawning, or even based on a timer. This does partially occur in some instances at certain points in some dungeons - meaning that there is a trigger or action which causes creatures to spawn in.) 2) disengage when there is no line of sight of the character for over five sec and return home (this would require some serious updating of the coding and game engine itself, as it appears that mobs can see through walls/floors/ceilings/ and so on) 3) Fix mesh issues and ai so that creatures can easily move around instead of letting them have x-ray vision through floors and walls and ceilings - and waling into walls like a broken Roomba (ray casting is pretty good for that though I doubt the engine being used has anything that nice in it, unreal and unity do though). 4) fix spawn points for monsters (some still appear in walls and floors and stay aggroed no matter what, and you can't kill them)
So, there is the 'magical' solution. It would take time, effort, and know how to achieve. But, this game has been around for over a decade and a half, so all that could have already been done over the years, but wasn't.
The tactics I have seen displayed by SSG over the years is the same one used by other unsuccessful game developers in the past, intentionally make the game worse or break it, just so that people can buy a solution in the store to play it normally. (xp potions, sp tomes, bonus stat tomes, etc, etc, etc.) Though I guess success could be measured in profitability rather than player count and player enjoyment. DDO by all appearances has been intentionally designed to require people to spend money to play it as one would a normal game.
Of course, a company needs to make money to operate and improve, there is no dispute about that being a fact. But when the inherent systems used to make this money may be the ones causing issues with in a game, well, that's where I typically have an issue. The da alert punishes certain play styles, certain play styles which seem to have minimal issues in other mmos.
There are several supporting videos and pieces out there that explain the monetization model used by SSG which are easier to understand rather than putting up a whole business essay here, I'll post one or two below by an influencer, pretty sure that's what people are called now days who do these things.
How 'Pay To Win' ruins the gameplay in MMO's - [MMOPINION]
Free to Play VS Monthly Sub, which is better? - [MMOPINION]
Hopefully I didn't go off on too much of a tangent.
CBDunk will have to weigh in with their answers of course, but this was my take on things.