DDO Character Planner - DDOBuilder Version 2


Build Designer. Having fun since 2006!
When setting the level for the Gem of Many Facets to 20 or 21, it is only possible to select the heroic versions of the set bonuses, instead of the epic versions. When equipped with an epic item (e.g. epic ring of the white Abishai), the gem still counts as 1 piece for the heroic Abishai set, and does not count towards the epic Abishai set from the ring.

Maetrim of Cannith

DDOBuilder Creator
Build Now Available

This release sees a lot of fixes reported by the community. Thank you all for your reports.

---Feat "Amaunator's Brilliance" renamed to "Amaunator's Flames". Description and effects updated (Reported by Gemini-Dragon)
---Enhancement "Divine Disciple: Transcendence" options should now have the correct requirements (Reported by Gemini-Dragon)
---Items "-/Epic/Legendary Gem of Many Facets" now support Heroic/Epic and Legendary set bonus options (Reported by Kalibano)
---A Race change will now correctly update the builds list (Reported by DougSK)
---Cannith Crafted "Seeker" is now correctly an Enhancement bonus (Reported by Videospirit)
---Missing augment "Moment to Moment" added (Reported by Jokersir2)
---Enhancement "Vile Chemist: Hidden Blades II" should now correctly set BAB to character level (Reported by Videospirit)
---Set bonus "Profane Experiment" no longer erroneously has +2 Sneak Attack dice (Reported by Videospirit)
---Feat "Combat Archery" should now work correctly, many other enhancements/feats that used same effect type also fixed (Reported by Videospirit)
---Items "Legendary Tanaroa Sneaking Suit" and "Legendary Roughcut Armor" now have their missing set bonuses of "Defender of Tanaroa" (Reported by Daawsomeone)
---The "Shadowdancer: Cover of Darkness" "Nightshield" save bonus will no longer erroneously stack with other "Resistance" bonuses (Reported by Videospirit)
---All epic destiny "Spell Focus: <School>" enhancements should now be correctly mutually exclusive (Reported by MrEkshin)
---"Season's Herald: Child of Summer" no longer erroneous grants +5 Force/Untyped/Physical spell power per core (Reported by christhemisss)
---Quest "The Darkness and the Light" now has the correct base favor of 4 (Reported by Guntharm)
---Enhancement "Tempest: Elaborate Parry" description updated (Reported by MrEkshin)
---Feat "Improved Fortification" can now correctly be taken by Bladeforged (Reported by Nectmar)
---Augments "Topaz of Proof Against Disease/Poison" now have the correct values for levels 12/16/20 (Reported by Jokersir2)
---Enhancement "Feydark Illusionist: You've Got My Back" will now correctly awards +10 MRR/PRR when used with spells Shield/Nightshield (Spell from any source) (Reported by Daawsomeone)
---Dire Charge/Shot now correctly uses Stun in its DC calculation (Reported by TandyFW)
---A bug fix to the wiki item parser should let it recognise set bonuses more reliably.

---Fixed Items: (All reported by christhemisss)
------Booming Longsword of the Undying Age
------Burning Longsword of the Undying Age
------Caustic Longsword of the Undying Age
------Deathly Longsword of the Undying Age
------Freezing Longsword of the Undying Age
------Gleaming Longsword of the Undying Age
------Kinetic Longsword of the Undying Age
------Mending Longsword of the Undying Age
------Shocking Longsword of the Undying Age
------Blessed Longsword of the Undying Age
------Reflection of the Crownblade
------Reflection of the Warblade
------Reflection of the Artblade

------Feats "Deflect Arrows" and "Whirling Steel Strike" can now correctly be selected by class "Dragon Disciple"
------Feats "Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuration/Transmutation" and Metamagics "Empower/Maximize/Quicken" can now correctly be selected by class "Dragon Disciple" (Reported by Daawsomeone)

Link in signature as always.


Well-known member
Also something seems to be wrong with the Legendary Cranium Sphere

It has a "Buff Missing: " line, and the CON bonus isn't applying.