Two years ago a group of us embarked on a journey to complete every single quest and raid on reaper 10 with just 6 people on first life characters. After a couple of roster changes and a year and a bit long hiatus we have had to bring a combined 8 past lives into the group. We have completed all quests and raids on R10 so far but one (Heroic R10 Devils Assault). Recently, we have embarked on clearing the level 11 quests and encountered Desert Caravan - probably the least popular quest in the game.
We had seen talk of a completion on the old forums but no definitive proof of one before we did it. With time to discuss planning the quest and some well executed panic in the last minute, we got a completion quicker than expected. Link to the video is here:
Thanks to the guys who help make this happen. This project is probably the most fun I have ever had in DDO.
Twilight Forge and Titan next.
We had seen talk of a completion on the old forums but no definitive proof of one before we did it. With time to discuss planning the quest and some well executed panic in the last minute, we got a completion quicker than expected. Link to the video is here:
Thanks to the guys who help make this happen. This project is probably the most fun I have ever had in DDO.
Twilight Forge and Titan next.