Did a bit more testing on the same character. Toggled off the Sacred Defense stance before logout. Still lost HP upon log in, not as much though.
1532 HP 22 Temp
1412 HP 22 Temp
120 HP difference this time.
Tried it with all gear removed
1284 HP
1284 HP
Didn't lose HP this time. Checking what gear bonuses might lead to this.
Equipped 5 piece Epic Salt set. Things from the pieces I put on that affect HP is 32 Profane Lifeforce from Epic Anchorchain, Ins Con 4 from Epic Belt of Myriad Pockets, Con 9 from a aug in the belt, and Artifact Con 2 from set bonus.
1484 HP
1364 HP
120 HP difference again. Perhaps gear calcs are the issue?
Another test: Equipped only Epic Shield of the Scorpion, 32 Profane Lifeforce and +2 Profane all stats.
1340 HP
1340 HP
No HP loss.
Another test: Equipped only Epic Belt of Myriad Pockets with Con 9 aug. 13 Con total from the belt.
1428 HP
1332 HP
96 HP loss. I have 30 con without the belt, 43 with it on. Con 9 would give +4 con bonus which would be 96 HP for my level 24 character.
When I had the full set bonus from saltmarsh I lost 120 HP. My guess is thus, set bonus and health coming from augment slots (perhaps only augmented con) is being calc'd incorrectly.
One last test: Equipped only Epic Shield of the Scorpion and turned my Sacred Defense stance on.
1765 HP
1430 HP
335 Missing HP. 353 is my percentage bonus. I get 72 HP from the con from sacred defense, 25% of 72 is 18. 353-18 = 335. 335 is the percentage HP before the added con from the stance. % HP from a toggled stance also seems to be an issue.
Based on my above tests I don't think it's the feat bonus.