Drop Rates


Active member
Ran Borderlands r1 with some rerolls 0 items in 11 end chests ... Seems off. I know, RNG is RNG but statistically this is getting to be improbable

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all the voices in my head are my own
yeah, statistically @CEastwood you don't have enough samples to be sure, but i'd expect that you'd have come closer to 3 named items, especially form Borderlands, which typically, or at one time, had the best drop rates in the game.

this is what happens when folks muck about with drop rates, players start to doubt, they begin to question...is this right, is it fun, how much time should I spend here, am I being cheated, was it better before, are they taking the same money from me as before and giving me less...hard to say.

Though you're right to come and ask, b/c how can you know.

Positive thinking

Well-known member
Some of our group just did some farming in borderlands epic encounter area, group was averaging 4 rare drops in 110 plus possible chests looted without ransack blocking out named items. Thats less than a 4% drop rate for named items in that encounter area.


Well-known member
For me the change in drop rates and rare bosses in wilderness has dropped since november'24. Forty runs in a wilderness an average of 1.20 rares mobs per run no drops. Forty runs of 2 different rat quests 1 drop each in total. Folks can post all they want about how they just pulled 5 blues on every quest they just soled on R10. But maybe they are the aberration not the norm. For me there has definitely been a change for the worse. Hence dropped my yearly subscription to 3 months and actively looking for a new game after 12+ years


Well-known member
If you want a specific item, you are now likely looking at hundreds of runs for that specific item.
Hundreds of runs. Plural. Not-so-glorious (and frustratingly mechanical) runs of the same quest. Over and over.
But you get ten copies of the thing you don't want, amounting to spending 2,400 minutes to farm 2000 sentience XP.

Or I log out and go play something else and that's usually how I vote, including tonite.


Beater of Dead Horses
Sometimes the game just hates you. And me.

I ran Ruinous Schemes 16 times (on heroic elite, due to wanting to zerg with capped characters) before I saw a single named item. Luckily, that was the one I wanted.

My guildy took 40 pulls from end chest of Reach for the Sky before getting the item he wanted...

But hey, better than MD rares.
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I always feel that Epic borderland don't follow the rule of 33% of named drop on EE. It seems to be a bit lower but probably is only my perception