Durk's Legacy Raid concept (Loot included)


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Story: You investigate a rumor told by Foxpaw (The Younger) that Durk The Deranged is only deranged due to a curse that was inflicted upon him by a high priest in the Blood Of Vol religion and that he was in fact a brilliant artificer that Foxpaw looked up to as an inspiration. You can only dispel his curse temporarily, in order to permanently dispel the curse you must work with Durk and his squirrel Nibbles (Who now has a speech translator equipped) as well as a small army of other squirrels that Nibbles is the leader of in order to break into the compound of the high priest that cursed Durk, shatter some artifacts, and defeat the high priest, and the historian and jeweler under his employment. This raid includes three puzzles, most notably one involving the entire party shrinking down to pick an unpickable lock infested with rust monsters and oozes.

To compliment the long time coming need for an item themed on the newest epic destiny tree, we have a pair of gloves that are designed to compliment said tree and be a must have item for anyone using the tree!

Arcane Cannon Handling Mitts (Gloves)
Runearm Focus +7
Insightful Runearm Focus +4
Quality Runearm Focus +2
Runearm Charge rate +20%
Stable Runearm Charge Tier Augmentation
(Rune arm stable at charge tier 3 or Or plus 1 if your stable charge tier is already 3 or greater)
Green Augment Slot
Colorless Augment Slot
Moon Augment Slot

A pair of goggles designed with the Dark Apostate in Mind

Macabre Sight (Goggles)
Power Of The Dark Devotion (Evil, Negative, And Positive spellpower)
Insightful Power Of The Dark Devotion (Evil, Negative, And Positive spellpower)
Dark Devotion Lore +23% (Evil, Negative, And Positive spellpower)
Overwhelming Despair
Green Augment Slot
Colorless Augment Slot
Sun Augment Slot

A necklace to give artificers some much needed love focusing on effects that are in line with artificer builds but ultimately missing.

Rust Storm Choker (Necklace)
Astute Skills +21
Power Of The Rust Storm +162
(Repair, Rust, And Electric Spellpower)
Insightful Power Of The Rust Storm +78 (Repair, Rust, And Electric Spellpower)
Rust Storm Lore +23% (Repair, Rust, And Electric Spellpower)
Green Augment Slot
Colorless Augment Slot
Moon Augment Slot

An Electrified Rust runearm

Rusty Nail Driver (Runearm)
Malfunctioning rusty nail shot: Deals electric, rust, and piercing damage to a target with a fan of electrified rusty nails. More nails fired at higher charge tiers. Opponents within the blast receive a fortitude save for half damage. At Charge Tier 3 and higher, opponents within the blast have a 25% chance to be inflicted with Tetanus.
Tetanus (On Vorpal Hit: Your enemy is inflicted with a disease that causes -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks while reducing their movement speed by 20%. This painful disease also causes the victim to become vulnerable to rust damage.)
Improved Destruction
Electrical Malfunction
(Same as the Unleash The Lightning Effect)
Quality Power Of The Rust Storm +38 (Repair, Rust, And Electric Spellpower)
Purple Augment Slot
Orange Augment Slot

Weapons For The Raid:

Gluttonous Frost Blade (Bastard Sword)
Royalty's Frigid Response
(3 Constitution Damage and Vampirism 3 effect on each hit)
Gluttonous Feeding (1D3 Negative levels plus Legendary Affirmation effect, the legendary version of the effect found on Grave Wrappings)
Red Augment Slot
Purple Augment Slot
Orange Augment Slot

Gluttonous Frost Blade (Dagger)
Royalty's Frigid Response
(3 Constitution Damage and Vampirism 3 effect on each hit)
Gluttonous Feeding (1D3 Negative levels plus Legendary Affirmation effect, the legendary version of the effect found on Grave Wrappings)
Red Augment Slot
Purple Augment Slot
Orange Augment Slot

Charm Star (Shuriken)
Thorny Crown Of Madness
Legendary Ooze Sunder
Touched By Wild Magic
Shuriken Proficiency
Supreme Summoner
(Your Summons, Charmed Monsters, and Hirelings gain +12 to all Ability Scores. Does not stack with Legendary Deadly Diabolist set bonus)
Red Augment Slot
Purple Augment Slot
Orange Augment Slot

A ring for Trappers

Band Of The Paranoid Scholar (Ring)
Insightful Astute Skills +10
Prudent Skills +21
Insightful Prudent Skills +10
Feat: Paranoid

Green Augment Slot
Colorless Augment Slot

A ring with no minimum level that is actually worth getting

Band Of Heroic Freedom (Ring)
Death Block
Feather Falling
Freedom Of Movement
Heroic Inspiration

Green Augment Slot
Colorless Augment Slot

The minor artifact from this raid:

Gift Of Nibbles (Minor Artifact/Ring)
Transform Kinetic Energy
Melodic Guard
Whispers of Life (Legendary Greensteel hidden effect)
Universal Spellpower +78

Green Augment Slot
Blue Augment Slot
Yellow Augment Slot

Majestic Baby Giant Fluffy Chipmunk Mount (Creature Companion)

Majestic Giant Fluffy Chipmunk Creature Companion (Mount)

Cloak Of Squirrels (Cosmetic cloak that gives you a squirrel tail and ears, also grants a toggle for a trail of four squirrels following you)

Sentient Jewel Of The Seductive (Sentient Jewel inspired by Malicia)

Sentient Jewel Of The Forged (Sentient Jewel inspired by The Lord Of Blades)

Sentient Jewel Of The Braineater (Sentient Jewel Inspired by Yaulthoon)

Sentient Jewel Of The Insane (Sentient Jewel inspired by the disembodied voices from the quest Total Chaos)

Sentient Jewel Of The Tinkerer (Sentient Jewel of a spastic eccentric female gnome engineer)

Alchemical Resin (A consumable that converts pendants to trinkets)

Enchanted Chain (A consumable that converts rings to necklaces)

Replica Forge (A consumable that increases the minimum level of a minor artifact but removes the minor artifact functions converting it into a regular item, will not work unless item is level 32 or less)

Deck Of Many Sets (A consumable that adds a random set bonus to an item)

Set Cleansing Card (A consumable to strip the set bonus from an item)

Alexandrite Of The Accursed Jeweler (A Legendary Trap The Soul Augment )

Emerald Of Vol (Minimum level 15 Green Augment that grants Dagger as favored weapon)

Lesser Emerald Of Bitter Wounds (Minimum level 15 Emerald granting Boon Of Undeath)
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