Eladrin race not up to snuff..


Well-known member
Martial races are defined by small DPS-wood elf barbs, aasimar everything, shifter (not rc) everything, horc bears, etc.
Well then they missed an opportunity to do something different with this one. Super generic dps increases makes for a really boring race. For this it is worse than the ones you listed.


Ghostly Troll
Sure, uniqueness is subjective. IMO, a leap is more creative/fun then lock picks or looking like a dog, but ymmv.
The only thing I dont like is limited charges. This is design flaw imo something that SSG is leaning into quite a bit recently. If something doesnt recharge it cant be balanced correctly. Something that is OP in a short quest could be practically worthless in an hour long raid with no shrines.


Well-known member
Forced to run 3 lives of this hot garbage race in order to maintain Racial Completionist...

In my opinion, The racial tree and core abilities are aabsolute trash, and easily the worst out of any race for melee/caster/ whatever..

anybody else feel the same?
I think Eladrin is fine. It’s vanilla like elf for build purposes. But also kind of has something for every build or playstyle. And I do like the cosmetic aspect of Eladrin very much. Chaosmancer, on the other hand, is truly a caster tree.


Well-known member
The only thing I dont like is limited charges. This is design flaw imo something that SSG is leaning into quite a bit recently. If something doesnt recharge it cant be balanced correctly. Something that is OP in a short quest could be practically worthless in an hour long raid with no shrines.
Agree. It is the same thing as any leap that auto recharges. Yes it has a small boost to something, depending on the season, but honestly it’s not even worth using for that purpose at all. It should resemble air savant air walk for charges and recharge ability. Heck it evens shares the same cooldown. I find myself just using air savant because it recharges.

Dendrix Deathblade

Well-known member
I think the leap is balanced for the cost to get it. I don't use superleap as a movement enhancer all the time, I use it as an occasional burst to jump large gaps or get away from the occasional monster. For those purposes the few charges are OK. If I wanted to use it all the time then I would have to invest heavily in one of the destiny trees (or classes) that give it out, for a couple of enhancement points to get limited superleap is balanced.

Frieling Slyhand

Well-known member
Forced to run 3 lives of this hot garbage race in order to maintain Racial Completionist...

In my opinion, The racial tree and core abilities are aabsolute trash, and easily the worst out of any race for melee/caster/ whatever..

anybody else feel the same?
No. I don't agree. I am in the middle of my second Elandrin life playing as a Dragon Lord THF melee and I love the Displacement and Fey Step.


Beater of Dead Horses
I'm not yet sure how good Elfadrin (sic) is for the builds I run regularly on my main, but it's been fun and fast to do the racials. Well, as much as low heroics is for me, but anyway, better than I expected.


Well-known member
For a Wizard, so far Eladrin is better than a Gnome or Drow. Only thing I despise about the race is the /dance... It looks so (expletive) awful. I've seen drunk / stoned adults that have more coordination than a dancing Eladrin.


Little Nixie
For a Wizard, so far Eladrin is better than a Gnome or Drow. Only thing I despise about the race is the /dance... It looks so (expletive) awful. I've seen drunk / stoned adults that have more coordination than a dancing Eladrin.
Eladrin, better than gnome? No way

Chaosmancer is interesting, but cost a +1 heart.


Well-known member
Eladrin, better than gnome? No way

Chaosmancer is interesting, but cost a +1 heart.
Only thing a Gnome has going for it is the extra PK SLA. Besides, I'm tired of being pigeon-holed into playing a Gnome, just because I'm a Wizard.
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OG poster - obviously you are entitled to your opinion, and you don't need a reason, but when you post to a public game forum saying 'its bad' other players, like me, are going to want to know what data points you're looking at - what specifically are you upset about? Do you know about the drow racial tree? Objectively drow are the worst in DDO right now, followed probably by sun elf - most of the issue for both being that the costs compared to the newer races is too high to buy - drow are missing a lot of the arcane abilities that deep gnome, tiefling, dragonborn, have. Chaosmancer SLAs make the Eladrin iconic extremely strong for a caster. for both the heroic and iconic, the seasons are very nice, something I'd like to see on every race/species;

for me what's bad very specifically is Fey Step, which unironically is both a gap closer and a boss killer buff - this is dumb; when you fight a boss, you do not necessarily need to close gap or fast move away - it should just be a boss killer buff separated from the Fey Step, which functions like flight of kings from dragon lord. They need to drop the 'charges' and make it identical to flight of kings - 15s. then take the spot where the charges buy is and make that the boss kill buy slot. There's no reason to have a boss kill buff tied to a gap closer, especially this becomes evident min/maxing for high skull reapers. Again what I mean specifically is in legendary R10, you would take Exalted flight in EA to gap close, then use fey step as a boss or champ kill boose - when you punch it, because its dumb and flies you forward, you just Exalted Flight to correct your position. Its stupid that we have to jury rig good min/max gameplay around bad design. But this is one point. the race and the abilities both heroic/iconic I think are very good. (Note: heroic eladrin top tier 'vigor' needs to be made into greater vigor or regenerate to not be stupid, currently its really really stupid)


Little Nixie
Only thing a Gnome has going for it is the extra PK SLA. Besides, I'm tired of being pigeon-holed into playing a Gnome, just because I'm a Wizard.
And what the basic Eladrin offers is not better than what the gnome offers, not even close. The gnome gives illusion DC too, don't forget that. And Greater color spray. and +4 int vs +3 int. What the basic Eladrin gives is laughable compared to that.

The basic eladrin is meh for wizard. No the worst race, for sure, but not as good as gnome. The chaosmancer is way better than basic eladrin, it gives something very valuable, a way to break immunity, although in a much more limited way than the real casters have, and it has nice SLAs. But don't forget that the chaosmancer has a very clear cost: heart +1. And for people who are low on racial points, chaosmancer is expensive in action points too. Very expensive.

That you are tired of playing a wizard gnome is respectable, but it is a personal feeling. That does not affect how useful the race is. Basic eladrin vs basic gnome or deep gnome is clearly a poor choice. Not a terrible option, but a worse option than the gnomes. Chaosmancer vs any of the gnomes does have competition. I would say that chaosmancer is just as good as deep gnome, although in different ways, but chasomancer has a monetary cost.

Typical of SSG, the useful stuff is put behind a paywall, which is not unique, but you will need to repeat it every time you want to reincarnate your chaosmancer wizard.
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They are fine for an Alchs. You get 4 int from Winter, one base, two in the cores, and one more if you spec into winter.