OG poster - obviously you are entitled to your opinion, and you don't need a reason, but when you post to a public game forum saying 'its bad' other players, like me, are going to want to know what data points you're looking at - what specifically are you upset about? Do you know about the drow racial tree? Objectively drow are the worst in DDO right now, followed probably by sun elf - most of the issue for both being that the costs compared to the newer races is too high to buy - drow are missing a lot of the arcane abilities that deep gnome, tiefling, dragonborn, have. Chaosmancer SLAs make the Eladrin iconic extremely strong for a caster. for both the heroic and iconic, the seasons are very nice, something I'd like to see on every race/species;
for me what's bad very specifically is Fey Step, which unironically is both a gap closer and a boss killer buff - this is dumb; when you fight a boss, you do not necessarily need to close gap or fast move away - it should just be a boss killer buff separated from the Fey Step, which functions like flight of kings from dragon lord. They need to drop the 'charges' and make it identical to flight of kings - 15s. then take the spot where the charges buy is and make that the boss kill buy slot. There's no reason to have a boss kill buff tied to a gap closer, especially this becomes evident min/maxing for high skull reapers. Again what I mean specifically is in legendary R10, you would take Exalted flight in EA to gap close, then use fey step as a boss or champ kill boose - when you punch it, because its dumb and flies you forward, you just Exalted Flight to correct your position. Its stupid that we have to jury rig good min/max gameplay around bad design. But this is one point. the race and the abilities both heroic/iconic I think are very good. (Note: heroic eladrin top tier 'vigor' needs to be made into greater vigor or regenerate to not be stupid, currently its really really stupid)