Fred's First Date has bugged out multiple times ...


Active member
My group got the restaurant bug; it seemed to happen when two of us both spoke to the original Fred.

After restarting, we made a point of avoiding any overlap. One player talked to the first Fred, and completed all of the dialog boxes. Then the next player did the same to the next Fred, and so on. That worked.
Ok so bugged for me also when I tried to solo it r1. Completed everything, even had a melee hire for the strength optional.

Finished all parts, it said talk to Fred near the exit, so I did but it wouldn't advance. Just saiy "Follow me" or "stay here". No option to end.

This was after completing all parts. I even had him follow me everywhere in the end area. No dice.


Well-known member
We had this bug happen to us. Ran it again and had the faire fight bug on us. We defeated all of the first mob, but a pandemonium champ refused to accept defeat. He was kneeling or even prone and still hitting the party for damage, sliding around the floor and dealing thousands of points of damage. We could not target them, turned out at least two were still hitting us. We saw this post and decided to wait until they have a chance to fix this beta version.
We had this bug on us twice, first batch of mobs died just fine, second batch one or two always followed us around, untargetable while doing massive damage. Managed to get out of the faire area after beating the giant.
We also had the gem voice repeating infinitely, had to log out completely to get that annoyance to stop.
I ran this quest for the first time a couple of weeks ago with no problem, but today tried twice, resetting the quest, and unable to progress due to this untargetable guy killing me.

Any fix in the works?