How to fix disconnection from chat?

Hey guys and gals,

I am having an issue with my in game chat disconnecting mid game. Ill be playing with my buddies and for some reason I will just disconnect. Usually its just for a few minutes and we are all good, or if I crash on a loading screen it understandably breaks.

But this past few weeks I have been disconnected when I log in and I am out for a ridiculous amount of time sometimes going 4-6 hours with no chat.

But this weekend takes the cake. Its my weekend off and my chat has been disconnected for 3 days straight. No guild chat, no general, no party. It honestly is ruining my gaming experience. I want to talk to my guildies and my party members to level faster and finish my last 3 lives for completionist. But I can't do that if my chat just breaks.

I have re-installed the game, disconnected and reconnected my wifi, checked my fire walls and security. I am looking for tips on how to fix this. I know this has been in the game for years now and the fact that it's not fixed is just ******* stupid.


Well-known member
I still get this ... alot

I used to hope folks dont think me rude for not communicating ... but hard to do so when chat aint working
Disconnected right now while piking (joined late) devils assault. Just logged in. Joined a group and no chat. Totally sucks. Happens everyday to me


Well-known member
If it's a laggy server issue it should resolve itself.

If it's the bug, it rarely starts itself back up. Switching characters again sometimes fixes it. Completely logging out for at least 5 minutes should always fix it.

PM should always still work.

Sarlona Raiding

Well-known member
This has been an issue since they migrated to the new data center.

The problem occurs more frequently when swapping characters which unfortunately is more common when raiding. Although sometimes I'll see constant messages that I am connected and disconnected from chat while staying on the same character.

Discord is a partial solution, but it's still problematic unless every person you ever group with is on discord - which is not the case for me. Tells still work so all you can do is send a tell to people to let them know your chat is broke.

I have a solid internet connection and solid machine with 80 GB of memory. I don't believe this issue can be resolved by upgrading hardware or internet.


Well-known member
Hey guys and gals,

I am having an issue with my in game chat disconnecting mid game. Ill be playing with my buddies and for some reason I will just disconnect. Usually its just for a few minutes and we are all good, or if I crash on a loading screen it understandably breaks.

But this past few weeks I have been disconnected when I log in and I am out for a ridiculous amount of time sometimes going 4-6 hours with no chat.

But this weekend takes the cake. Its my weekend off and my chat has been disconnected for 3 days straight. No guild chat, no general, no party. It honestly is ruining my gaming experience. I want to talk to my guildies and my party members to level faster and finish my last 3 lives for completionist. But I can't do that if my chat just breaks.

I have re-installed the game, disconnected and reconnected my wifi, checked my fire walls and security. I am looking for tips on how to fix this. I know this has been in the game for years now and the fact that it's not fixed is just ******* stupid.
You can do what many of us have. Just stop playing. Too many other games out there that dont have issues that have been going on for 15 years.
Not saying forget about the game, but taking long extended breaks and trying other stuff, and not giving SSG any more money.
Maybe they will get the picture, maybe they wont. Maybe the game will end, regardless there are always plenty more games out there to play that you can chat in , and not have lag, and hear more lame excuses of what they think the problem is.