Illithid Invasion u63 Event Unlocking Mega Thread [Completed]


5000+ hours played
Is there a reason people are doing them more than once each?
Each invasion point has to be exhausted. The way that's achieved is by killing the mind flayer in each quest a set number of times (about 10 from what we've gathered).


Active member
A buddy of mine reported that he just found one in promise of fire at the optional chest in the area below the floor. Can't confirm it myself yet.


Active member
Each invasion point has to be exhausted. The way that's achieved is by killing the mind flayer in each quest a set number of times (about 10 from what we've gathered).
Yes, but it seems some people are doing particular points multiple times as if they want to exhaust it by themselves.


Monster Hunter of Moderate Renown
Ghost of a Chance confirmed, back of puzzle room. Also had vanguards

Can somebody check if the Epic version also has an Invader? Technically speaking, the game treats them as different quests.


Unconfirmed report of ToEE part 1 (near the cells). Couple of us checked, but these are vague and there is more than one area in there that could be called cells.

There shouldn't be one in there. I couldn't find one, but if anyone wants to triple check... i wouldn't say no.
I was NOT able to find an invader in ToEE part 1. I checked in every room and hallway including in the NE corridor, library and the small rooms just south of the boss fight in the Earth Temple area after the rune controlled door.


Well-known member
Illithid Vanguards also spawn on this one after about 10 seconds without directly attacking it. I now have my wiki photograph, to boot.
interesting, I stood near mine for a full minute and it never bothered

-went back to confirm whether it was exhausted and this time it summoned Vanguards
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Well-known member
Ha ha! I finished my first Reaper 1! I did dirty laundry With an 8th lvl Barb on Khyber and killed a mindflayer! Screenshot of the flayer!

I had to buy a gold rogue to find the Secret door (don't tell my guild!!!!) though. I used the force axe from the House P chain with a ghost touch ruby.

I fought a Famine and a Carnage reaper whatever those were. I could self-heal better than i thought in reaper too.

Anyway, reaper was not too bad. I did run some Boarderlands skull1 with some guild buffs on another server just to see so this was not the very first one but close enough!

Now I will pretend I never did this and go back to making my gear to learning how to do the GH Crucible swim!