Great that they did it. As far as I'm concerned, third quest could have just stayed locked if doing that puzzle 50 times successfully was the alternative.
Great that they did it. As far as I'm concerned, third quest could have just stayed locked if doing that puzzle 50 times successfully was the alternative.
There is one very notable omission left in the location list - has anybody checked the Vault of Night flagging series this time round? I'd be awfully surprised if no Illithid spawned there at all.
Greetings all. Its that time again for the DDO Secret Hunters community to come together once more! Illithids from across the Astral Sea are invading Eberron and in a special one time major event. We need to locate and defeat the Illithid Invaders to unlock 4 Extreme Challenge Dungeons.
These invaders hidden through the game on reaper difficulty. We need everyone's help locating the quests they're spanning in to turn portals.
--Links! if you think there should be more links here, let me know
The Crucible - K side
Lost At Sea - Undead area for the Altar
The Pit - top of the 3rd furnace room
The Offshore Account - Kelpie optional
Dread Sea Scrolls - docks to the right of the end fight
The Missing Party (delera part 2)- underwater area.
Good Intentions - shop area
Phase 3 - 11/5 start
*links point to posts with screenshots/vids of the locations
Redwillow Ruins - Hobgoblin Cave
Gwylands Stand - right after the firetrap on the right.
Keeper's Sanctuary - Optional Acquire Saerick's Journal
Spawn of Whisperdoom - necromancer room
The Devil's Details
Power Play - Power Play. in the secret area below the electric floor middle room.
Reclamation - second ledge down, in an alcove of the shaft
Rainbow in the Dark - behind the lever puzzle.
Phase 2 - Completed!
*links point to posts with screenshots/vids of the locations
Phase 1 - Completed! Pilgrim's Peril has been unlocked on all servers date 11/2
Dream Conspiracy
Ruinous Schemes
Heart of the Problem
Growing Pains
A Small Problem
Where's there Smoke
Price of Freedom
--Event FAQ
What is going on?
Illithids from the Astral Sea are invading Eberron! We must defeat Illithid Invaders hidden throughout the game and defeat them to send them back to their lairs (the four extreme challenge dungeons).
What We Need to Do?
Step 1. Talk to Omryn Cedarbrook in the Sharn Clifftops to get the story.
Step 2. Find and defeat Illithid Invaders to unlock the first quest hidden throughout the game on reaper difficulty. (let people know where)
Step 3. Defeat the Illithid Invaders a number of times (10ish?) to force it back to its lair. Looking to trigger this message:
Step 4. Do this enough times, we'll complete phase 1 and unlock the first Extreme Challenge Dungeon.
Step 5. Wait 2 days before we repeat steps 2-4 with a new set of locations to find. Till then we can now run the first extreme challenge dungeon.
Step 6. Presumably do this a few more times until all dungeons are unlocked and defeated to stop the invasion!
The event is estimated to be roughly a week long (there is some time gating involved to get us to that week).
It will end sometime after we've unlocked all 4 dungeons and the dev's turn it off.
My personal guess is that the Legendary Chronoscope they're developing will recap this event. The 4 dungeons and the stuff within them (cards, their loot, etc.) will remain in the game after the event ends as permanent, free, inclusions to the game.
What are the Rewards?
The goal of the event is for our community to unlock and permanently added 4 special quests to the game. The Illithid Lairs. Which are lv.34, free to play, Extreme Challenge dungeons. Extreme Challenge, just means more complicated mechanics and bit more difficult than your typical quest.
This isn't just for end game mega elites, the quest is very completable but does scales very harshly and becomes a lot harder as you increase the difficulty. Think of them as like.. easier 6 person mini raids. Elite/r1 is very doable, but as the skull level goes up... the population able to complete begins to thin out.
In addition to named items and augments unique to these quests, they'll also give us access to Cursed Cards to crafted the Deck of Many Curses to upgrade our gear. Cards are unbound and are already flooding auction houses.
Enter on Reaper Difficulty (skull level doesn't matter). And search every inch of the quest. They can be hiding anywhere. No pattern has emerged. So even out of the way areas could be an Invasion Point. Invaders will always spawn until the point is exhausted.
Invasion Point
(the small little globe you can barely see. get close
enough to that and you'll spawn the Invader)
Illithid Invader
What do I do when/if I find one?
Defeat it and let others know where you found it. Posting here would be great! After defeating the encounter you don't need to complete the quest. Alerting the community lets others join the hunt and assist in exhausting the Invasion Point.
What happens when an Invasion Point is exhausted?
Invaders will case to spawn, we make progress towards unlocking the lairs (the extreme dungeons).
Where have we found Illithid Invaders so far?
Phase 3:
Phase 2:
Dirty Laundry - new secret door near shrine
Ghost of a Chance - back of puzzle room
Storm the Beaches - through the main door (close to the boat) on the first right
Fathom the Depths - Cube Chest area
Promise of Fire - optional chest in the area below the floor
Spies in the House - pipe chest
Hiding in Plain Sight - Aurum Hideout, right down the first tunnel and take a left.
Tear of Dhakaan - third (Amber) tear location
Phase 1:
Dream Conspiracy -
Ruinous Schemes - Bugbear Optional
Heart of the Problem - 2nd Fire Elemental via Fire Path
Undermine - Shrine area, just before the boulder.
Growing Pains - climbing up the tree on a branched path
A Small Problem - Fire Elemental
Where There's Smoke - End, Under the bridge
Price of Freedom - under the puzzle up top on the roof (in the garden to be more precise)
Is there a list of quests we've already checked?
No. Why? A few reasons... in no particular order.
1. Verification of 'its not there' claims is a monumental task. These globes are easy to miss and are/can be in some weird places. The odds of the list being reliable is extremely low (even lower than hardcore 8 since they're not tied to anything). So the community re-checking quests will produce better results and be more engaging for everyone.
2. Each server would likely need to manage their own list. (dangerous to assume each server will continue to have all the same quests)
3. Each phase would likely need to have its own list as it seems each phase will have its own set of mindflayers to find (and possibly other rules)
Not going to keep people from starting their own thread though if they wish to put in the work. I simply don't have the time.
Does it matter which level range I find/defeat the Invader in?
Nope. Heroic, Epic/Legendary all count towards the same counter. Exhausting one (even partially) exhausts both.
Can I run a lower level quest on reaper?
Yes, but only a little.
Heroric quests (1-19) have a level lockout of +4. So A level 18 base quest on reaper requires you to be level 22 or lower (to a minmum of 18, a -4 below base entry requirement).
Epic/Legendary (20-29/31-32+) have a lock out of +6. So a lv. 25 base quest requires you to be no higher than lv. 31. However the minimum to enter is lv. 20 for this level range of content.
Does defeating the Psionic Thrall Champions do anything?
Not currently no. Only the Invaders. The Thralls can be found any place where champion monsters were found before.
What Extreme Challenge Dungeons have we unlocked so far?
Pilgrims Peril
Stolen Power
Horde of the Illithid Controller
To be unlocked:
Astral Ambush
Initial Discovery Information
Eeldirtch from the discord who play on Orien found found this guy in R1 Dream Conspiracy.
Defeating it popped a global annoucement:
After the server defeats this Invader enough times, we'll exhaust the invasion point:
What are Psionic Thralls?
So far, all champions seem to have been replaced with Thralls. They have extra damage and buff up nearby thralls to takes less damage that builds over time. They still drop normal rem chests
Pre-Event Start Info
--What we know so far
Event will begin on Wednesday 11/1. Per the Fridays @ 4, SSG estimates it'll run about a week and easier than Hardcore or Vecna Unleashed to discover.
Leading NPC for the event will be in the clifftop tower district of sharn.
These are the same Mindflayer group we encountered in astral plane in the quest, Vecna Denied under the command of a Elder Brain. They have plans to invade Eberron and its up to us to stop them!
- 4 Extreme Challenge dungeons that we'll need to unlock on a per server basis.
- The event will run until all of the objectives are completed.
- Each server will need to do their own unlocking.
- Most level ranges will be involved.
- We'll be scouring Reaper difficulty dungeons throughout the game to locate these powerful invaders
If the map information holds true from the preview, we'll see the quest gives and a chain npc housed in Sharn just past the general vendor on the upper level.
--What Do We Think This Will Mean for DDO?
Believe this will mark the next phase of DDO story. With the Codex dealt with. Our current invading gods (mostly) dealt with. The impact of this event looks like it'll rival the Devil Invasion that resulted in the destruction of Marketplace Tent and The Chronoscope (heroic and epic) raid changing the face of the game forever. Launching a storyline that has guided DDO over these past many years.
Big guess that the Legendary Chronoscope talked about in early episodes of Fridays @ Four, isn't an legendary version of current chronoscrope, but a NEW raid capturing this event.
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