Monster Hunter of Moderate Renown
Hmm. This does sound fun, but the old version of Delera's Graveyard caused no end of lag issues and that was just in one public area. I shudder to think what applying this to every major public area would do.They could have done something like the old Mabar/Delera's public area, where ithillids spawn based on the standard quest level of a given zone (Or the level of the most quests in an area, or the level of quests you'd run when first accessing the zone, etc.). Then they could just cause a debuff or something if you killed too many low level spawns (I.E., Mabar's Interest, but thematic. Something about psyonic overload or whatever). Like with Delera's, these mobs could remain passive until directly interacted with.
The major downside of this is that of course everywhere (Or at least major public areas based on the invasion points) would have to become a combat zone. Oh, and the lag. There would definitely be more lag.
Also, the underlevel debuff thing is frankly just a pain (I say this as somebody who's had to run the Night Revels Graveyard ten levels under to photograph a monster), so I'd rather they just took Crystal Cove's approach of reducing item drop rates for people spamming AoE spells.