Kali's Dark Hunter Tempest TWF DEX Melee DPS build


Build Designer. Having fun since 2006!
Kali's Dark Hunter Tempest TWF DEX Melee DPS build (click me!)

The links above will take you to the main thread, where you will find details/ screenshots for this build. Hope you find it useful, and I would be really grateful if you could post any questions and constructive comments/ suggestions in the original thread via the link.

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Build Designer. Having fun since 2006!
U66 changes (updated in the forums and DDOBuilder file)
This build pretty much remains the same, with one exception:

Fury of the Wild
> T4: 'Primal Force' (3 ranks)​
> as of U66, 3 ranks of T3 'Spirit of the Beast' are now required to be able to take the full 3 ranks of T4 'Primal Force'​
A couple of suggestions to deal with this change:​
The one I personally prefer, and which can now be seen in the updated DDOBuilder file for this build:
  • (gain 2 APs) -> drop T4 'The Voice of Fury' since this build does not use the FoTW epic strike
  • (gain 1 AP) -> drop T4 'Doublestrike': total doublestrike goes down to 98% outside reaper mode
  • use those 3 APs in T3 'Spirit of the Beast', so pre-req is met for T4 'Primal Force' as planned
Another possible change:
  • 2 ranks in T3 'Spirit of the Beast'
  • 1 rank in T4 'Primal Force'

Other than that, still very much the same build. Enjoy!