Lamannia Update 63 Preview 2 - NOW OPEN

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Lamannia Update 63 Preview 2

Welcome to our second preview of Update 63! This preview opens at 3:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Tuesday, October 24th and continues until 3:00 PM Eastern on Thursday, October 26th.

Updates in red.

Of Special Note:
  • Get ready for a special, time-limited event debuting with Update 63! The entire community will be challenged to work together to unlock these quests. We'll have more information with the release of Update 63!
  • New Quests
    • This Lamannia contains previews of four new quests - "Pilgrims' Peril," "Stolen Power," "Horde of the Illithid Controller," and "Astral Ambush."
    • To access them, speak to The Questgiver in the Test Dojo.
    • These quests have received additional polish and general statting adjustment. The challenge level of these quests is expected to be significantly more difficult than seen in preview 1.
  • New Named Loot
    • There are twelve new named items in U63! These drop from the four new quests, and can be found in the Test Dojo.
    • New Augments have been added!
  • The Deck of Many Curses
    • This Lamannia contains a preview of a new item: The Deck of Many Curses! Collect cards to make Decks, and then use those decks to apply mysterious Curses to your equipment! To obtain Cards and try out the Deck of Many Curses, visit the Test Dojo.
    • Some deck effects that were not functioning in Preview 1 now do.
    • The following Curses have been removed: Major Intuition (-2 Minimum Level), Superior Augmentation (Extra Augment Slot), Curse of the Deckmaster (Set Bonus), Wealth (weight and plat value), Stone (weight and sink in water), and Minor Intuition (-1 Minimum Level).
    • The Curse of Divine Fortune now does both effects previously listed in its tooltip, though the Favored Weapon only works if the item is in fact a weapon.
    • The Curse of the Sentient's Meal (Sentient XP) now also increases the platinum value of the item by 100,000.
    • The Threat Increase has been removed from Curse of the Anger's Heart.
    • The Threat Decrease has been removed from the Curse of the Charming Presence.
    • The Curse of Weapon's Touch Strikethrough has been increased.
    • The rarity of some effects has been adjusted.
    • The list of supported item types that are not compatible with the Deck of Many Curses has been adjusted to include Cosmetics, Wands, Scrolls, Quivers, and Ammunition.
    • Some new effects have been added to the Deck.
  • SUBTOPIC: Card of Curse Cleansing Discussion Thread
    • An item called The Card of Curse Cleansing is now available in the Test Dojo! With the launch of the Deck of Many Curses, this item will appear very rarely in any chest throughout the game. This item removes an applied Curse from the Deck of Many Curses to an item.
Bug Fixes:
  • Wrack Construct in Battle Engineer now correctly does 10/20/30% damage.
  • Fixed a typo in Blight Wolf's tooltip.
  • Fixed a typo in the capstone of Eldritch Knight (both Sorc and Wiz).
  • Fixed a few material type issues on weapons (aka every weapon in Morgrave University is no longer made out of Bone!)
  • New copies of Vinelasher Bracers and Legendary Vinelasher Bracers have a correctly scaling Improved Deception effect.
  • The scaling version of Improved Deception now correctly boosts your Bluff and not your Hide skill.
  • The Dinosaur Bone greatsword has done a little bit of a flippy flip and now faces the correct direction!
  • The secret chests from Vecna Unleashed no longer give you a Fire Elemental Essence as a nice little gift.
  • Several icons have been corrected in Blightcaster.
  • Corrected an icon in Primal Avatar.
  • You can now break breakables while under the effects of Fiendish Symbiosis.
  • Shadowdancer Core 4 now works correctly with Trap the Soul.
  • Fixing apothecary new t4 to reduce spell costs correctly.
  • Fixing tooltip in falconry (tier 2 of sprint boost was wrong % text-wise).
  • Light and Dark is now correctly 3 rank.
  • Holy Smite/Chaos Hammer/Unholy Blight/Order's Wrath from divine disciple upgrade now works on mephits.
  • The buffs from the Flasks of Icy Coffee are now dispelled via Rest.
  • The first core of divine disciple's dark side no longer locks out core 20 capstones.
  • Fixed typo in avenging cleave.
  • Removed feat descriptions from Kotc.
  • Holy Retribution now properly scales with melee/ranged power, and the ranged version now correctly restores Smite Evil charges.
  • Dusk Surge in Legendary Dreadnought now properly restores Action Boosts with ranged weapons.
  • Ear Smash is now 10/20/30% damage scalar.
  • Fixed typos on buff bar buffs from LD.
  • Items with Disease Guards will now more reliably drop with those Disease Guards correctly attached to the item.
  • Occult Slayer's antimagic action boost now works with things that proc on action boosts
  • Law of the Divine in Divine Crusader now scales correctly with melee and ranged power
  • Tabaxi's bonus trip DCs for quarterstaff now correctly increment
  • A player with the Rune Arm proficiency destiny ability will no longer just lose their offhand sometimes
  • Doubleshot now properly factors in all on-crit effects to multiply their damage values.
  • Sentient weapons should no longer fit into any recipe that could destroy it.
Known issues:
  • The quest "astral ambush" has an issue where a quest objective won't check off.
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The Blonde

Catalogues Bugs
  • The Dinosaur Bone greatsword has done a little bit of a flippy flip and now faces the correct direction!
The Dinosaur Bone Falchion requires the same fix please.

  • New copies of Vinelasher Bracers and Legendary Vinelasher Bracers have a correctly scaling Improved Deception effect.
Please make this change retroactive. Having to farm pieces of gear you already own just for an effect to be updated feels very bad :(
Unless of course there's a technical limitation specific to this effect, which I doubt.
Additionally, below are 2 lists with all other items that require similar treatment.

The following items should also have the scaling version of Improved Deception instead of the non-scaling one:
1) Agony, the Knife in the Dark
2) Autumn's Veil
3) Bloodbark Bracers
4) Celestial Sapphire Ring
5) Collapsible Shortbow
6) Devilscale Bracers
7) Echo of Ravenkind
8) Epic Assassin's Kiss
9) Epic Phiarlan Spy Dagger
10) Golden Guile
11) The Two-Headed Platinum Piece
12) Fate, the Knower of All
13) Fiendblood Bracers
14) Sunken Obscurity
15) Salazar, Borne of Hemlock
16) Ring of the Silver Tongue
17) Pain, the Half of Whole
18) Legendary Celestial Sapphire Ring
19) Legendary Spectre Striker
20) Legendary Sunken Obscurity
21) Masterwork Gauntlet
- Masterwork Gauntlet (U61 raid item) in particular has many of issues:
a) It should have "Exceptional Nimble Skills Bonus +10", instead of the deprecated "Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +6". Steelstar had previously commented on this, saying "Regarding the Masterwork Gauntlet's Exceptional Bonus to Skills: The Exceptional Bonus to all skills related to an ability score hasn't ever gone above +6, even if different subsets of skills have." - This is not true. Legendary Tumbleweed has Exceptional Nimble Skills Bonus +10. The only skill that should be (and is) excluded from this usual formula is UMD.
b) Its listed values for "Insightful Assassinate" (7) and "Quality Assassinate" (3) are wrong. They should be 8 and 4 respectively. This only affects the item's description, it is actually granting the correct values.
c) It should have "Improved Deception +21" instead of "Improved Deception".

The following items should have the scaling version of Improved Deception instead of the plain "Deception" which is reserved for very low-level pieces of gear (not to be confused with "Deception +X"):
1) Mirage
2) Assassin's Kiss (considering you gave Improved Deception to the heroic ML7 Vinelash Bracers, it's only fair this gets it too)
3) Terror (unsupressed)
4) Rahl's Might
5) Polycurse Dagger (also needs "Sneak Attack Bonus" changed to "Deception +X")
6) Dragon Masque
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Well-known member
How about fixing your online store? Aren't months of on-going issues enough time to put this on the to-do list and take care of them?

Holidays are coming up. People spend money when they have confidence.

This is a fiscally responsible priority.


If you read my posts you have already lost
How about fixing your online store? Aren't months of on-going issues enough time to put this on the to-do list and take care of them?

Holidays are coming up. People spend money when they have confidence.

This is a fiscally responsible priority.
thats fiscally irresponsible, works good enough ?‍♂️ ?


The People's Champion
Dusk Surge in Legendary Dreadnought now properly restores Action Boosts with ranged weapons.
This opened up whole new ranged builds for me. Gonna be solid to figure out builds with it on live, but having fun with it on lam.


The People's Champion
Several icons have been corrected in Blightcaster.
I do appreciate that SLAs are now easily identifiable for which spells they do; much better than the old icons. But is there any chance the icons for the SLAs could lightened or darked so they're more easily disguisible from the spell versions on the hotbars (like the way the FvS SLAs vs spells are).


FvS icons like these make it easy to quickly see if you're popping a cheap SLA vs more expensive spell at a glacne.

It doesn't need to be different graphic like the FvS one's, just a simple much lighter image to differentiate them.


Well-known member
This opened up whole new ranged builds for me. Gonna be solid to figure out builds with it on live, but having fun with it on lam.
Endless Fusillade is back on the menu lol

Though it's still gotta compete with prism+colors+nerve venom+auto blind for sneak damage


Well-known member
A small thing, could you add light-chain to the available types of armor the dark hunter wolf pet can wear?
It is not druidic after all. That is it, thanks


Are you going to be doing anymore small updates to enhancements this cycle?

I wanted to point out that No Mercy in Ninja Spy is still 2 AP points per level, while falconry has the same enhancement for 1 AP per.

Also, tier 5 in Ninja Spy still gives crippling strike, an overall useless rogue bonus feat since the move away from stat damage leading to helplessness at higher difficulties. A -PRR or -MP would be more useful overall, with maybe giving uncanny dodge or improved uncanny dodge or defensive roll instead would be very welcome. Monk does not currently get a big defensive CD in heroics and uncanny/improved uncanny dodge is one of the reasons Barbarian and Rogue have both been enjoying solid play in reaper since the ED revamp and the removal of the universal dodge clicky.

Also, Flash Bang is nice now that it lands, but its duration is as long as the animation. Maybe reusing the old Petals animation from Grandmaster before the ED revamp for a quick AOE Blind + CC centered on the user would make it much more useable in DDO's combat. Also changing the daze to a stun would be very welcome.


Well-known member
Say you have duplicate curses on two different items. Do they stack? Or does one take effect?


Well-known member
I don't understand the "limited time". Can someone explain to me about this? Is this a crystal cove all over again, but with quests?


Well-known member
I don't understand the "limited time". Can someone explain to me about this? Is this a crystal cove all over again, but with quests?

There will be a time period between when U63 is released and when the four new 'extreme challenge' quests become available. During that time period there will be some sort of 'event' which will allow players on each server to unlock those new quests. That event will therefor only be active for a "limited time".

As for what the event itself will entail... pure speculation at this point. Should be more info in the next couple of days.
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