let me fix all the op class balance problems with 10 words


Well-known member
melee self heal isn't the problem, at all. It's the ability to reliably avoid getting hit by the big bad in push raids and rarely in r10 that is the problem for their survivability.


Well-known member
melee self heal isn't the problem, at all. It's the ability to reliably avoid getting hit by the big bad in push raids and rarely in r10 that is the problem for their survivability.
if they have better in combat self heal not reliably avoid dmg wouldt be the problem for their survivability

Jack Jarvis Esquire

Well-known member
I can do it in 3:

Nerf backwards movement.👍

Close the risk gap between ranged/caster and melee. Then balance DPS etc around the new meta where the ability to apply damage at range, whilst avoiding risk in doing so, is less differentiated.

Also makes the game generally harder, particularly in high R, which seems to be something folks want to see.


Well-known member
I can do it in 3:

Nerf backwards movement.👍

Close the risk gap between ranged/caster and melee. Then balance DPS etc around the new meta where the ability to apply damage at range, whilst avoiding risk in doing so, is less differentiated.

Also makes the game generally harder, particularly in high R, which seems to be something folks want to see.
that just gon put alch back on top since they throw backwards.


Well-known member
Balance adjustments are a complete waste of time.

The previous adjustments they made ended up stripping classes of their unique traits, removing the distinctiveness of items, and flattening everything out.
As a result, updates no longer bring any sense of excitement.

Instead of focusing on balancing everything, it would be much better to give things standout characteristics and let players choose the playstyle they like.
That would foster a more positive mindset.

Positive thinking

Well-known member
Balance adjustments are a complete waste of time.

The previous adjustments they made ended up stripping classes of their unique traits, removing the distinctiveness of items, and flattening everything out.
As a result, updates no longer bring any sense of excitement.

Instead of focusing on balancing everything, it would be much better to give things standout characteristics and let players choose the playstyle they like.
That would foster a more positive mindset.
Exactly, and people would play with the people they like to play with and avoid the ones they dont, which was the way the game was played when we had a higher population.

I can say that one positive thing i have enjoyed about cormyr is that i have enjoyed playing with every single person i have grouped with on the server.


Well-known member
Balance adjustments are a complete waste of time.

The previous adjustments they made ended up stripping classes of their unique traits, removing the distinctiveness of items, and flattening everything out.
As a result, updates no longer bring any sense of excitement.

Instead of focusing on balancing everything, it would be much better to give things standout characteristics and let players choose the playstyle they like.
That would foster a more positive mindset.
If you believe that balance ever has been a focus of DDO devs I dont know what to tell you...


Playing since 2006
unnerf caster, buff melee self heal and put in R15
You mean the game we had one year ago... except for R15?

The devs really managed to destroy most of the game balance in 2024. 😊

A year ago, casters, melee and ranged were fine. Melee a bit more OP than the other ones. Most people were happy and had fun. Without anyone asking for it, they started nerfing and changing into what we have today. I really wish the devs were a bit more insightful...


Mielikki says the Red Wizard is doing bad stuff
Cap character damage output and mitigation per the character's level.

They don't have the human resources or simulators to handle balancing the classes with all of the ability interactions in the game. It would suck hard if they went down that path, but the only other tool in their tool chest is whimsical nerfs from orbit.


Well-known member
Cap character damage output and mitigation per the character's level.

They don't have the human resources or simulators to handle balancing the classes with all of the ability interactions in the game. It would suck hard if they went down that path, but the only other tool in their tool chest is whimsical nerfs from orbit.

DDO is a superhero game effectively. It would be a lot easier to balance if general power levels were not through the moon.

A simple start would be to cap damage at a given figure and stop the extreme silliness available in the right sequence of actions.


Well-known member
This has to be among the most horrid things I've read in here. A horror story.

The horror story for me is actions doing obscene damage because the player chose to do specific things in sequence that were not intended to produce that effect.

This game will never be a good group game until the environment is tougher than the players. That's how you get great group play.

Edit: Just editing to say every time I see a meta build blow through a dungeon I think of little Stewie: "Look what I can do!"


Playing since 2006
They don't have the human resources or simulators to handle balancing the classes with all of the ability interactions in the game. It would suck hard if they went down that path, but the only other tool in their tool chest is whimsical nerfs from orbit.
They have us, the players. If they choose to listen a bit on our feedback, they might hit the target for once.
However, last spring they choose to ignore several thousands of feedback posts telling them how terribad their changes would be.

My guess it's some kind of pride or something, that they think they know the game better than us, the ones that are using the software day after day. They also refused to comment why the u66 changes were necessary, more than giving the video comment "we want to shake up the meta". Such attitude is very bad when you try to run a business, and was a reason why many left the game at that point.

I'm a software developer creating financial software. Our customers knows how things should work. We don't make up nonsense ideas on our own. Our customers are always right, except when they happen to be wrong, but then we need to communicate with them, explain and prove that this is the case. SSG don't do this, they just go ahead with ideas and changes things as if they are in a kinder-garden school.

Sometimes it's tough to love this game.