Multiple Accounts One PC


New member
I'm trying to log into both of my accounts on a single computer simultaneously. I've gone into the Options panel and enabled "Allow Multiple Game Instances" yet when I try to log into the second account, I get a popup that states "Connection failed. Can't bind to local socket. Is another client running?"

The game is running as admin. Any thoughts on what might be wrong?



Paladin. Disruptor. Since the 1970s
windows/linux/mac OS version? Firewall issue?

I'm running 3 on Win10 - i5 CPU just fine *not using STEAM(ing)
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Well-known member
Each client needs a different port open to listen on. For instance, you might have client #1 on port 5201, #2 on 5202 and so forth, but you cannot have them all try to bind to 5201 or it will throw the error you described.

Check to see if a static outport is being provided as a launcher parameter somehow, possibly through your windows shortcut (on the launcher shortcut icon, right click -> Properties and see if any parameters are being supplied to the Target line).

Or, if you have port forwarding set up on a firewall or router, you'll need to allow additional unique ports for additional concurrent clients.

Alternatively you can try looking for a 3rd party launcher. I use a personally modified version of and others have forked their own version as well. If you google a bit you can find some.
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Paladin. Disruptor. Since the 1970s
STEAM(ing) is mean like that.
Do you happen to be using Proton through Steam on Linux? If so, steam client only allows one client to run at a time.
..or it's a function/lack of in Linux?

*have old rigs I need to use or dump so now I'm curious


New member
Sorry about the missing details!

This is a Win11 PC using the SSG installer (Not Steam)
i7 CPU
RTX 4070 GPU


STEAM(ing) is mean like that.

..or it's a function/lack of in Linux?

*have old rigs I need to use or dump so now I'm curious
FYI...when I had time today, I spun up a DDO bottle in Crossover (software based on WINE). Was able to play 1 account through Steam and another account through Crossover.

It is a Steam thing that doesn't allow multi-boxing not Linux

Also, I am able to multi-box through Crossover.

edited. to add last sentence


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
Your welcome.
Now make a copy of the file and keep it somewhere safe :)
Like in the 'Cloud'. ;)

-Kidding of course, Cloud-based storage is NOT secure (it's been proven many times), but if you want to trust it...

That being said; It is a good idea to keep a copy of anything you change (both original and the current version).

I have hand-written copies of what I've changed from default settings on everything (BIOS, games, monitors, TVs, etc), but I'm old school and still have hand made maps for things like EoB I-III, on graph paper!!! (Yes it still exists, although most of what I have left feels more like papyrus).