Myth Drannor - Portal?


Founder, Feb. 2006
Edit: Come to think of it, we already have another portal because Ravenloft is Forgotten Realms (which I find pretty dumb, but that's on WotC, not DDO). So yeah, what's one more portal?
Revenloft IS NOT Forgotten Realms, it is its own world that started from a portal in Dragonlance.


Olde Wurm
I ran out last night to the end of the Long Road to check what the Purple Knights dialog was and it was a barricaded entrance to the Storm Horns, so that was kind of a bust. ?


Myth Drannor is NE of the Stormhorns, over in the Dalelands. The Long Road is in the far NE linking Damara, Rashemen. The High Road in Eveningstar ends in Arabel (which I personally, would love to go to).

They would have to link Myth Drannor to Eveningstar similar to how they link Wheloon.

Myth Drannor should have portals and/or access points linking itself to Eberron (via Gatekeepers), Eveningstar (via roads), and the Underdark (via tunnels/caverns).


Well-known member
Revenloft IS NOT Forgotten Realms, it is its own world that started from a portal in Dragonlance.
I’d point out it did NOT start in dragonlance. Ravenloft was long before Dragonlance & the connection to dragonlance came in a novel/book written about Lord Soth, “Knight of the Black Rose.”

If anything, Ravenloft was a Greyhawk era creation, and it came before Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance was even a thought in the D&D published lore.


Well-known member
Most if not all of us have noticd the non-functioning portal in The Grove. Some have stated this will be or thinks it will be the poratl access to Mth Drannor once the expansion pack launches. I hope this is not so:

Myth Drannor is a Forgotten Realms location and in my opinion the portal or more apprpriately the road (path) should lead out of Evening Star to keep it aligned to the lore of D&D altogether. My preference is that SSG should keep the D&D worlds locations, dungeons, and stories aligned to the worlds within D&D lore.

For those that may want to point out the Mists portal in House Jorasco for Ravenloft it is not the same. While the first portal mentioned in D&D lore originated out of Drangonlance the story also alludes that there are several portals in other worlds that bring people to Barovia.
Ravenloft didn’t come from Dragonlance or Forgotten Realms. It came from the era where Greyhawk was the main world for D&D and the portal/mist existed that way LONG before either forgotten realms or Dragonlance were published in D&D. They DID publish a whole boxed set and connected it to Dragonlance AFTER the publication of all of the original Trilogy of DL Books. Ravenloft was technically Greyhawk, albeit loosely, since there was never an “official” realm for D&D at the time — except Greyhawk. Even that was not official in the way either FR or Eberron is today.

As far as timeline in actual D&D, for perfectionists, RL was 1983, DL1 Dragonlance (non books) was 1984 Forgotten Realms was not even a thing until 1987 & Lord Soth got put into RL in 1988 (in a book, modules were 1990).
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Founder, Feb. 2006
Myth Drannor is NE of the Stormhorns, over in the Dalelands. The Long Road is in the far NE linking Damara, Rashemen. The High Road in Eveningstar ends in Arabel (which I personally, would love to go to).

They would have to link Myth Drannor to Eveningstar similar to how they link Wheloon.

Myth Drannor should have portals and/or access points linking itself to Eberron (via Gatekeepers), Eveningstar (via roads), and the Underdark (via tunnels/caverns).
This is a good idea. It gives players multiple access points and still keeps D&D lore intact.


Founder, Feb. 2006
I’d point out it did NOT start in dragonlance. Ravenloft was long before Dragonlance & the connection to dragonlance came in a novel/book written about Lord Soth, “Knight of the Black Rose.”

If anything, Ravenloft was a Greyhawk era creation, and it came before Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance was even a thought in the D&D published lore.
Great points and thanks for the clarification.


Well-known member
and if anyone likes RL/Dragonlance both, that book or audiobook which is also great - has Soth & Strahd interacting, fighting and playing politics against each other. Its a very entertaining read.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
and if anyone likes RL/Dragonlance both, that book or audiobook which is also great - has Soth & Strahd interacting, fighting and playing politics against each other. Its a very entertaining read.
Soth does love his 20d6 Fireballs in that book!


Well-known member
By the FR map, Myth Drannor is roughly 450 miles northeast of Eveningstar. The closest existing point would probably be Thunderholme, about 250 miles east of Eveningstar / 250 miles southwest of Myth Drannor. A travel point near Storm Horns / Thunderholme (which are actually in opposite directions from Eveningstar) would probably make the most sense. The King's Forest is SW and Wheloon SE... so neither of those exit points lines up well, and the cavern / mists make more sense to leave as a mystical portal area.