New augments


Well-known member
No. These are unique enhancements that you should gear around. There is a reason why cannith Trinket doesn't have EVERYTHING available.
While I would like a fortification gem that's 150%+, I stick to my original idea, that these are unique gear aspects.

This is asking too much for comfort. Please use some brain to figure your gearsheet out.
As a person that has never used any augments except for the Master's Gift (I love collecting them but don't end up using them because I don't want to waste them in the wrong gear or pay to remove them), it isn't so much a case of using the brain as simply doing without. I never have any elemental protection and often am missing a number of bonuses other people have because the available gear either has something or it doesn't. I wear level 29 gear at level 34 and have 50 MRR for the entire game (except for levels 10-16 when I have 70 MRR) because that is what the available gear has if I want to keep my Universal Spell Lore and a couple other things that are important to me. The game plays fine missing things, but I do have to accept that the closer I get to cap the closer to dead weight I will become (though that is also because of my class, Warlock, that has been chosen by the devs to rise to the honor of the worst class the closer it gets to cap).


long live ROGUE
Fortification gets my vote, not the others, sorry…I won’t complain of others are added; certainly some bew soulforged recipes would be fun


Well-known member
Please add Fortification and Spell Crit Chance augments. Either as regular augments or as named uncommon drops.

Only having the level 8 Heavy Fort and not having regular Spell Crit Chance (only insightful) is an unneeded pain as both are core effects.

Thank you .
When they added the new augments ~feywild, we (in general) pushed hard against any changes to the fort augments, assuming correctly inferring that if they made them for 20+ with increased fort numbers, they would also go back and reduce the fort on existing level 4 and 8 augments to "level appropriate" amounts.

Who out there isn't slotting fort on gear at level 20+ and needs an augment for it?


Well-known member
If we had all these suggested augments we'd have more must have augments than we have slots to put them in. Actually, we already do. I'm using wands and pots to replace basic things that would have been part of a set or on an item now.
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Well-known member
If we had all these suggested augments we'd have more must have augments than we have slots to put them in. Actually, we already do. I'm using wands and pots to replace basic things that would have been part of a set or on an item now.
We already do, which makes adding more fine. Tradeoffs are better than having must-haves. Having more options turns must-haves into choices, which is far more interesting.


Well-known member
If we had all these suggested augments we'd have more must have augments than we have slots to put them in. Actually, we already do. I'm using wands and pots to replace basic things that would have been part of a set or on an item now.
It's really not that hard to live without certain things. All my augment slots on all my gear are empty. It doesn't hurt to have a wider range of augments so you can decide what you want and what you can live without.


Well-known member
I am - on two different builds. Both run R10 regularly at cap. One ranged, one caster.
Huh, I haven't tried to slot any MD gear, so I hadn't realized the only items in the expansion with Fort on it are a single ring, and a bracer from the raid.

This looks a lot more like an itemization problem with MD than anything else, and further supports my decision not to bother building a gearset for MD that's only going to be usable for a couple weeks per life and only until the cap increases again.


Well-known member
We already do, which makes adding more fine. Tradeoffs are better than having must-haves. Having more options turns must-haves into choices, which is far more interesting.
I was more making of a plea for more augment slots than a request for more augments. The latter is a given. The former, not so much.
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Dendrix Deathblade

Well-known member
As a person that has never used any augments except for the Master's Gift (I love collecting them but don't end up using them because I don't want to waste them in the wrong gear or pay to remove them),
Your unused augments sitting in the bank are doing nothing. They are already wasted. Shove them in equipment you are wearing and don't worrk about not. Now sometimes they will prove useful.

Sarlona Raiding

Well-known member
I would prefer to see very class-specific abilities that are on gear available as an augment rather than items.

- Sinister Chill
- Bone Paws
- Druidic Survival Mastery

Other things that are hard to slot that would be nice

- Spell Saves
- Insightful Fortification
- Insightful Stats (level 32 version rather than just 24)
- Quality Stats

In general if each xpac adds several augments and packs add 1 or 2 that would eventually get us to where most stats can be covered by gear or items - making it a bit easier to migrate to new gear without major tear tetris.


Well-known member
I would prefer to see very class-specific abilities that are on gear available as an augment rather than items.

- Sinister Chill
- Bone Paws
- Druidic Survival Mastery
- (Greater) Boon of Undeath
- Rune Arm Charge Rate
- Ki Generation
- Anthem (& Extra Bard Songs)

Other things that are hard to slot that would be nice

- Spell Saves
- Insightful Fortification
- Insightful Stats (level 32 version rather than just 28)
- Quality Stats
- Exceptional Stats (Maybe a level 36 version next time the cap goes up? 2/3 exceptional all)
- Spell Resistance
- (Type) Lore


Ms Stabby Stabby
The game plays fine missing things, but I do have to accept that the closer I get to cap the closer to dead weight I will become (though that is also because of my class, Warlock, that has been chosen by the devs to rise to the honor of the worst class the closer it gets to cap).

I have a ball on my glacial warlock. Can solo R4 at level, but participates well enough in R10 at cap.

It's all about how you build the character with the appropriate gear-set. Can't blame the class too much, if you aren't fulfilling it to it's max potential (inc augment slotting).


Well-known member
I have a ball on my glacial warlock. Can solo R4 at level, but participates well enough in R10 at cap.

It's all about how you build the character with the appropriate gear-set. Can't blame the class too much, if you aren't fulfilling it to it's max potential (inc augment slotting).
I too have a ball on my acid warlock and participate well enough in R10 at cap. Would 6 of me be able to handle R10? Maybe sometimes. I can participate at R10 in cap because other people are playing better classes that outperform me. In raids, I am basically dead weight. I do some damage, but 12 of me would be a failed raid for sure since I do not do enough damage. Even though Warlocks have a single target blast attack, the devs never decided to make it actually powerful enough to participate effectively on raid boss dps.


Melee Artificer Freak
I too have a ball on my acid warlock and participate well enough in R10 at cap. Would 6 of me be able to handle R10? Maybe sometimes. I can participate at R10 in cap because other people are playing better classes that outperform me. In raids, I am basically dead weight. I do some damage, but 12 of me would be a failed raid for sure since I do not do enough damage. Even though Warlocks have a single target blast attack, the devs never decided to make it actually powerful enough to participate effectively on raid boss dps.
A debuffer warlock is never dead weight in a raid ☝️


Well-known member
I too have a ball on my acid warlock and participate well enough in R10 at cap. Would 6 of me be able to handle R10? Maybe sometimes. I can participate at R10 in cap because other people are playing better classes that outperform me. In raids, I am basically dead weight. I do some damage, but 12 of me would be a failed raid for sure since I do not do enough damage. Even though Warlocks have a single target blast attack, the devs never decided to make it actually powerful enough to participate effectively on raid boss dps.
That's because too many people found Warlocks to be easy street for past lives grinding.


Well-known member
That's because too many people found Warlocks to be easy street for past lives grinding.
That's why I picked it too. I was on my 13th and final life for heroic completionist when I lost interest in the game. When I came back Warlocks had been added (and already were finished being fully nerfed by then), but they were still by far the easiest class to play at the time. I have been playing one ever since (other than 10 iconic lives that have been scattered here and there in between). It was so refreshing to finally have a class that was easy to play with unlimited magical damage without running out of spell points along with Ddoor, teleport, invisibility, and possibly knock if you were willing to pick the pact that had it.

Since then, based on what people have reported on the forums, every class has become easy to play. Now most everyone has self-healing and heroics are supposedly easy for all classes to get through (I haven't played any class through heroics other than Warlock in nearly 10 years, so I cannot verify this myself). So at this point, there is no need to continue to make Warlock's single target blast so weak. I understand that when they are doing AOE there is a need to keep them from being too strong so they don't wipe out whole groups like Sorcerers do. But when they switch to single target they should be doing at least as much damage as a ranged class and possibly more since the max distance they can hit a monster is much shorter and the monster needs to be sitting still or the attack misses anyway. So while technically a ranged attack, it faces some of the same problems melee players have (the need to be closer and the need for the target to be relatively still).


Well-known member
That's why I picked it too. I was on my 13th and final life for heroic completionist when I lost interest in the game. When I came back Warlocks had been added (and already were finished being fully nerfed by then), but they were still by far the easiest class to play at the time. I have been playing one ever since (other than 10 iconic lives that have been scattered here and there in between). It was so refreshing to finally have a class that was easy to play with unlimited magical damage without running out of spell points along with Ddoor, teleport, invisibility, and possibly knock if you were willing to pick the pact that had it.

Since then, based on what people have reported on the forums, every class has become easy to play. Now most everyone has self-healing and heroics are supposedly easy for all classes to get through (I haven't played any class through heroics other than Warlock in nearly 10 years, so I cannot verify this myself). So at this point, there is no need to continue to make Warlock's single target blast so weak. I understand that when they are doing AOE there is a need to keep them from being too strong so they don't wipe out whole groups like Sorcerers do. But when they switch to single target they should be doing at least as much damage as a ranged class and possibly more since the max distance they can hit a monster is much shorter and the monster needs to be sitting still or the attack misses anyway. So while technically a ranged attack, it faces some of the same problems melee players have (the need to be closer and the need for the target to be relatively still).
Problem is that past Heroic's there's no point the single target damage outside if a raid.