Poll (legit): Did you buy Myth Drannor?

Did you buy Myth Drannor?

  • Yes, I already purchased Myth Drannor.

  • No, but I will be buying after the raid comes out.

  • No, but I will eventually be buying for DDO points.

  • No, I will not be buying Myth Drannor.

  • Yes, but I regret my purchase.

  • Yes, but I wish had a purchased a lower tier.

  • No, but I will be buying it on sale.

  • Yes, and I wish I had purchased a higher tier.

Results are only viewable after voting.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
I really really want to see this expansion do well.

I'm looking at the LFM's however, but I'm not seeing a whole heckuva a lot for Myth Drannor. At least, not like it was with IoD.

This is a simple, unbiased poll. Please, no take down.


Beater of Dead Horses
Yes, I bought it.

Do I regret it? No. Ish. Done twenty quest runs now, still seems a lot of doors and crests. And getting the gear seems like it'd take ages, might just stick to my feywild for the nth year straight.

But it's a little too soon to call it Shadowfail part 2 for me. We'll see in a few weeks.


Well-known member
Wasn't there an elminster poll, where he swore he wont do polls? :D. Anyway, there is not an option for a tier you bought. So I want to specify that I bought the the standard edition and I am satisfied, but I would not buy higher tiers.
Bought it. Love the new content. Not sure about the gear yet but It did fing a Sun Aug so far. +10 arfitfact bonus to spell penetration and that was nice so far. Not gonna complain. It's a very pretty new area and I like having new things to do and explore


Pretty Normal Weird Guy
The Predispose fallacy also known as the slippery slope fallacy occurs when an argument, or poll, assumes that a particular action, such as the expansion released, will inevitably lead to a series of undesireable consequences like the expansion being bad, often without providing sufficient evidence to support this claim.

This can lead to polls where most of the options predispose that the expansion was bad and leave little option for people to show the real reasons they purchased, or did not purchase, the expansion.

In this example we see how the only real 'Yes' answer acts as if because the buyer has already purchased the expansion it is too late to refund.
The no examples obviously support the predisposed position that the expansion is bad. All 3 of the Yes choices are negative and assume the purchase was a mistake, as do the no answers. Any answer you choose assumed the expansion is bad. This is not scientific and it not a useful poll.

  • Yes, I already purchased Myth Drannor. (too late to refund)
  • No, but I will be buying after the raid comes out. (worth it only after the raid)
  • No, but I will eventually be buying for DDO points. (only worth it as a discount)
  • No, I will not be buying Myth Drannor. (bad)
  • Yes, but I regret my purchase. (bad)
  • Yes, but I wish had a purchased a lower tier. (bad)
To be (legit) the poll would need equivalent options such as:
* Yes, and I wish I got a higher tier
* Yes, and I am glad I can gear up before the raid
*Yes, and it was worth the price

but, to be fair, all polling is fairly useless on the internet.
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Founder and Winner of DDO
its for the better

but the loot is not what i was hoping for,
so overall

and from what ive seen so far, im not happy to run this saga
even tho its good xp

i visited Myth Drannor
and all i got was this lousy carpet


Well-known member
I doubt I'll buy it until its in the DDO Store and on sale, most likely. I wasnt particularly excited about it after the preview revealed the details, and most of the feedback since launch has made me even more patient to wait till its better value. Especially all the feedback that the quests are laborious...I usually skip quests like Beautiful Nightmares, so this pack may not be for me

Also I really think they're pricing themselves out of the market by back-loading all the bonus items. Paying $40 for immediate quest access, plus some mix of a perma-hire and a teleport item and some AP tomes and new class/race unlocks is a decent value, but $40 just for quest content and one of those things is not, and neither is $80 for quest content and some of those things. Probably should be some/all/all+cosmetics and consumables


Well-known member
bought ultimate and don't regret it. (unlike ultimate saltmarsh, hire performs great when you expect her to perform well)

are quests too long, yes, but I thought some other quests were too long and once I learned them they were fine runs.

SSG borked some stuff, but when your expectations are low you're not surprised by it.


Well-known member
I only buy expansions with points. Sometimes at full price, sometimes waiting for a sale. With all the negative feedback (especially the lack of teleporters to quests) I may end up waiting for a sale. I waited for a sale for Isle of Dread (I don't like walking to quests), but bought Vecna pretty quickly.


Well-known member
Yes, but I bought it for the things that it came with not the actual content so I don't care about a refund. I was pleasantly surprised by the wilderness, but aside from the side quests I don't like the content at all.


Active member
I didnt buy it because I haven't enjoyed any content since Sharn. Something about their design philosophy feels cheap and uninspired to me. I bought Vecna when it came out and have only played through it once and found the experience pretty miserable.


Active member
also havent bought it. in recent years i stopped preordering/prepurchasing in general, regardless of the game. if theres no review, i dont do any blind purchase anymore.
and i also have to agree with villefere with regards to the design philosophy. i really miss quests like the pit, spies in the house, or generally those more outlandish quests that have this videogamey feel about them. i felt none of that excitement anymore since just business in sharn. for all the faults that quest had, it had this videogamey feel to it. flying discs, an outlandish city layout, and a construction site.

i felt none of that in feywild. saltmarsh and neither isle of dread. i got iod via the year of dragon reward, so i am not having any buyers remorse, but man was i dissapointed, especially in the main storyline. and every quest felt like on rails. didnt bother with vecna.
on rails.. thats probably what i hate the most about the questdesign as of late. its like that critique everyone had with final fantasy 13. "its just a long hallway until the final 10% or the game!".

anyways, from what i saw so far of myth drannor, i am not convinced to drop money for it currently.


Well-known member
To be (legit) the poll would need equivalent options such as:
* Yes, and I wish I got a higher tier
* Yes, and I am glad I can gear up before the raid
*Yes, and it was worth the price

I don't think the "already purchased" implies regret. It's merely to differentiate between the options that are talking about buying later.
"Yes, and I wish I got a higher tier" would be a redundant option because you could just upgrade to the next tier if you felt that way. The no option is needed because you can't downgrade.
"Yes, and it was worth the price" is also redundant because if they didn't think so they would have chosen the "Yes, but I regret my purchase" option.
"Yes, and I am glad I can gear up before the raid" is fairly redundant as well because those who choose "Yes, I already purchased Myth Drannor." are already implicating that they think it's worth it before the raid comes out.

No-options provide more information and most yes-options will be made redundant by the no-answers.