Quest: The Trouble with Tar Pits - Tarbone Trio


Active member
Hey mates,

The Trouble with Tar Pits R1 heroic, opt: kill Tarbone Trio (inquisitive lvl 10 with two full RL Sets and about 65 PLs, but doin Ilse of Dread only for the second time - just for background)

Im not doin any dmg to the trio, i guess i dont even hit them. Was kiting them for minutes, i get 3 hits (enough for killling one) but it seems I had no effect on the other ones...
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be? I teleported out...



Well-known member
Don't even know what that opt is lol. Usually zoom through isle. Were any of them flickering? I've seen that happen when a monster gets stuck partially in the floor/a wall or something and keep trying to unglitch out, and basically full heal each time.


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
Since you said you were kiting them, I think I know what you ran into.

It seems ranged attacks on them before they are fully "up" (even though they are targetable) results in them being immune to ranged damage. You have to switch to melee or have a hireling beat them down while you keep said hireling alive.

It sucks, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.


Active member
Since you said you were kiting them, I think I know what you ran into.

It seems ranged attacks on them before they are fully "up" (even though they are targetable) results in them being immune to ranged damage. You have to switch to melee or have a hireling beat them down while you keep said hireling alive.

It sucks, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened.
Tried it again, same problem - although I waited a long time letting skellies comin fully up. Teleported out, did it again and skipped opt.

Greetz Fj


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
If you run it again with the same issue try at least beating on them with a melee weapon or even bare hands (if you set your hire to attack them they will quickly draw the aggro back so you can leave) and see if you do any damage. Will help to identify the bug. I'm assuming you get no floaty 0's when attacking with ranged? If you get any with melee (even if they are 0's) it shows you are at least attacking/hitting them.


Trainer of those who beat dead horses
Seems like for some reason they are not considered as hostile when attacked by ranged. Again, if you run it, try melee after if that issue shows up and see if that works. It did for me.


Well-known member
I just encountered this issue tonight. The three skeletons for the optional "Defeat the Tarbone Trio aren't able to be damaged by ranged attacks. No floaty 0s or immune, no misses and no attack die roll. Just all my attacks vanish into the either. Does anyone know if this is intended behavior or is it a bug?


Well-known member
Yeah, they are immune to ranged damage. I noticed, if you jump and shoot while in the air, you can damage them again.
I guess, when standing at ground level, the game sees some object as obstacle that eats all projectiles. Like maybe the floor isn´t calculated at the correct height ?


Well-known member
Yeah, they are immune to ranged damage. I noticed, if you jump and shoot while in the air, you can damage them again.
I guess, when standing at ground level, the game sees some object as obstacle that eats all projectiles. Like maybe the floor isn´t calculated at the correct height ?
This would be my guess.

Last time I ran it 2 weeks ago my hire had to kill them.

Ranged damage was ignored, melee worked