Repeater Ranger Build Suggestion?


Not sure if this makes sense or not. I have an old repeater rogue who I have a ton of good repeaters at various levels. I'm planning on TRing with 3 RGR past lives to get the ranged damage bonuses. Just wondering if there's a ranger build that makes sense to use repeaters or if I should come up with some bows for the three Ranger lives...

DDO Noob

Well-known member
I'd personally choose at least 12 levels of artificer if you want to use repeaters. Apparently, 12 arti / 6 ranger / 2 rogue is considered a strong repeater build if you want to have some levels of ranger. 12 levels of artificer gets you expanded clip once you hit early epic levels and artificer has access to AOE ranged attacks in heroics that proc on every bolt shot.


Melee Artificer Freak
6 arti you need 6 ranger and 8 anything for PL for Repeatwr heroic PL getter.
T5 BE +Snioer **** all you need + Harper tree goodies.

If you wanna go Ranger 6 Arti 14 Ranger is fine.

Or 6 Arti/6Rgo or Ftr/ 8 Ranger


If you are looking to Ranger past lives, I think the best breaks for Ranger are 9 (evasion) or 11 (free improved precise shot), because you need most class levels in Ranger to qualify for that past life. 15 also works for the extra Favored Enemy, but I don't think that's worth it on a repeater build. You definitely should mix in Artificer for the repeaters, but it's helpful to be specific about what you like and want out of Artificer beyond the repeater piece.

If you're into Battle Engineer I would suggest something like 12 Dark Hunter/ 6 Artificer / 2 Rogue. More sneak attack, can get T5 Battle Engineer, same full trap skills, etc.
If you are just into rune arms, then 12 Ranger/ 6 DL / 2 Artificer. You can switch DL with any other class too, but I think DL or Fighter offers best enhancements and stuff.

This thread ( is specific to using Inquisitive for past lives, but I think it has ton of really good information on choices, why each choice is made, etc., that would help you.

If you're looking for a great repeater build, then this ( is most likely the best repeater build in the game at this point. Lots of good information and gear choices that you can translate over to your build too.
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Well-known member
If you're going into epics, repeater builds really want Expanded Clip, which requires Artificer 12. Battle Engineer will provide you with +1 crit range & multiplier, as well as a couple of AoE attacks. Then it's a tossup between pure Artificer or a heavier multiclass: e.g., Artificer 12 / Dark Hunter 6 / rogue 2.

However if it's just a heroic PL, then it's possible to run repeaters on, say, an Artificer 8 / ranger or Dark Hunter 12: all the free ranger feats plus combine the T5 BE +1 crit multiplier bonus with the +1 crit range bonus from DWS (or run gnome with light repeaters for their racial +1 crit range).