Just letting my mind run wild, I'm thinking crowd control, stunning effects, and slashing critzilla.The main question is what niche would the samurai class - or more likely an Archetype for fighter or paladin - fill that can't already be done with existing classes / archetypes. Given that both heavily-armored soldiers and robe-wearing duelists are already possible. What does samurai bring to the table that's unique?
Just make your own.Bring them in as another class, with their own weapons, a separate tree and , most of all Armour. Please I will put money up front if it helps to get this done.
Anyone with me?
New combat mechanics like active parrying perhaps or stance-dancing combos? All the fun Bushido and wisdom combinations possible. There could be synergies between Daisho weapon pairs that also influence those. Samurai usually have some sort of archery build as well so perhaps a paladin/fighter archetype that gets all the archery feats instead of divine spells/bonus feats.The main question is what niche would the samurai class - or more likely an Archetype for fighter or paladin - fill that can't already be done with existing classes / archetypes. Given that both heavily-armored soldiers and robe-wearing duelists are already possible. What does samurai bring to the table that's unique?
Given persistent lag and other technical challenges, I'm not sure those would be as fun as they sound. SSG is stripping out monk combos next update due to all the issues they cause, I doubt they're eager to add a new archetype with new combos to cause more issues.New combat mechanics like active parrying perhaps or stance-dancing combos?
Just because Monk was garbage doesn't mean Samurai has to be. I also don't think there's any considerable lag or technical challenges that are a barrier to those mechanics. Tumble is active and does just fine. There are all kinds of stances/toggles that work just fine. They even said that they considered rebuilding Monk from the ground up but decided otherwise.Given persistent lag and other technical challenges, I'm not sure those would be as fun as they sound. SSG is stripping out monk combos next update due to all the issues they cause, I doubt they're eager to add a new archetype with new combos to cause more issues.
LolI think samurai are cool as much as the next guy, but it seems like a pretty uncreative archetype to implement on its own. Most classes / trees can be interpreted into a variety of playstyles, backstories, roles, etc. If you really want a samurai, you could just run a heavy armor kensei fighter using a bastard-sword and your favorite curved-blade cosmetic.