Searching stable group for everyday play on Ghallanda


Active member
Hello, everyone.
Atm I have only 2 Racial, 3 Heroic and 3 Epic past lives, so most of the work is yet to be done and I don't want to do it alone. I play this game long enough to know for sure that what is easy and nice for a party is a hard labor in soloing and I don't want to do it like that as it won't be a game and fan at all. Of course I want my levels and past lives as fast as possible, but I'll be glad to play with a group of nonefficient players as I'm not an efficient player myself. The only thing I'm asking for is staying together during all the leveling and reincarnations. So if someone of the group is not yet online or needs time to put together new gear after leveling, or to sell loot to pawnbrokers (and not to sell it as junk for lowest possible price), we wait for him/her and not playing any quests, so all xp we get we get together and we can stay on same level all the time.
The other thing I need the most is guidance as it is hard for me to remember details of most quests even if I have done them many times. I have second monitor to use wiki and maps and I love to use them, but it is still difficult for me as each time I have to reread all the description again and it greatly spoils my gaming experience. That's why I hope to find someone who could lead the group using either wiki and maps or personal player experience.
My local time is GMT+2. My toon is a warforged, as an artificer he can do traps (Search and Disable Device rank 23 on level 20 but Spot is only rank 4) and some lockpiking (Open Lock rank 14 on level 20), have 1 level of fighter to have access to tower shield and bastard sword proficiency feats, but main class is wizard. Most of Action Points I invested in Eldrich Knight and Warforged trees. I prefer to fight as a battlemage mostly using my bastard sword and tower shield (or repeating heavy crossbow for ranged attacks) to save Spell Points and switching to spellcasting in situations where you need higher DPS. On levels above 16 I use Shroud of Lich and both Death Aura spells to have HP regeneration and switch to selfrepearing (Reconstruct spell) when things gets tough and you need high amounts of instant healing. I have all versions of Docent of Shadow and on levels above 20 I mostly use it for it's Boon of Undeath (on levels from 15 to 20 I use Black Velvet Capelet insted), so I'm not too easy to kill but not as tough as a professional melee fighter. Sometimes i tend to die when things get tough and I don't have a moment to switch from Shroud of Lich to selfrepear. Also I have rank 15 in UMD on level 20 and some items to boost it some more so I can do anything what can be done with wands and scrolls within the UMD requirements. Of Epic Destinies I have Legendary Dreachnought, Unyielding Sentinel and Primal Avatar so on Epic Levels I can use things like Renewal and Rejuvenation Cocoon to heal allies and can try distracting enemies from a friend using Knight's Challenge if needed.
Atm I'm mostly after Racial Reincarnations as I want to get all possible Racial AP but if You want to do epics first it's fine with me as long as I will know that I can count on Your help with Racial and Heroic Reincarnations.
My toon's name in game is the same as my nick on forum and, if You are interested You can contact me either on the forum or directly on Ghallanda server using ingame mail system. Hope to hear from you soon.


Active member
Hi Sawchain, I would be willing to help you but unfortunately, I am GMT-5 and we have a 7-hour difference between us. My play time would be around 6 p.m. est - 9 p.m. est most nights when I am on and a little later on Fridays. I play most nights but not 7 days a week, although that does happen. We might be able to connect on the weekends but that might be hit or miss.


Active member
Hi Sawchain, I would be willing to help you but unfortunately, I am GMT-5 and we have a 7-hour difference between us. My play time would be around 6 p.m. est - 9 p.m. est most nights when I am on and a little later on Fridays. I play most nights but not 7 days a week, although that does happen. We might be able to connect on the weekends but that might be hit or miss.
Is Your main toon's name the same as Your nick on forum? I'd be glad to add You to my friends list in game to see when You are online.


Active member
I am currently running Killtief, a Shardi Kai knife fighter, just hit lvl 24 last night. I have been playing this game for a long time, took a break here and there and I am familiar with a lot of the content I rarely stay at cap for long. Challenges and end game Raids are the ones I haven't run much, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of raiding going on in G land now days.


Active member
I am currently running Killtief, a Shardi Kai knife fighter, just hit lvl 24 last night. I have been playing this game for a long time, took a break here and there and I am familiar with a lot of the content I rarely stay at cap for long. Challenges and end game Raids are the ones I haven't run much, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of raiding going on in G land now days.
Thanks for replay. I'll add You to friends in case we will cross in time and levels and can run something together. It will be interesting to see how You play Shardi Kai.


Hey guys, i play a lot and would be down to help anyone get where they are going. I prefer party play. Sawchain we ran together before. Friend me up im happy to help. active toons are sonhouse howlinwolf and kebmoe, they others are just mules thanks,


Looking for help finishing out to 20 for TR. I have a level 18 Dragonlord, and about 1.5 levels away. I play quite a bit. MY characters name is Drakhanis. Several people have been very helpful thus far and appreciate all of them. I am old previous player on a new account, and some things are familiar and a lot of new content around too. Lots to learn and re-learn.
Or Tsub. Both characters are lvl 19 ATM. Respec of old builds before I stopped playing. Trying to finish them to 20 and TR into more current builds.
hi my main is Creepylizzy i too am retire so my days r spend in game, look me up . i typical form lfm pug when i am in game . following the tr /rp train . tc have fun buff often.