Tanking the raid Threats Old and New


Active member
Hey Folkes,

Today I was the secondary tank for this raid. It was a success, and it was my first time running it, I was Xoetepia as the tanking assist.

I took the Marilith and the boss mage dude (forgot it's name). I think I ate a bit of the healer's mana.

So.. is it better to turtle and just intim or intim and hold incite?

I kept distance well.. but since it was my first time and I like being efficient..

What are other tanks doing in this raid? What is the best tactic so far?


Well-known member
just remember if you are in dragon duty hit the tank every once in a while, or the rest of the party is going to die fast


Active member
I noticed that the other tank held the dragon lower left corner, back to wall, and the 2 ellies were doing nothing.

Is that the best spot for the dragon.. Or just any place to hold aggro until the party comes with the phyl


Active member
So.. today I tanked the dragon. I died.. lol.

Got rezzed, and we succeeded.

My error. Despite my ac being 470, prr 400+, more 160+, fire absorb 66%, my fr sucks, and 6k hps.. I died.

Started in the corner in dead magic zone.. took too much damage.. then took him out and just circled out hit and move (that's when I died)... I quickly discovered that I need to boost my absorb, and my fr.

So I reduced my melee to 208 and added 8 loh.. I'll get mu ac to 500 soon and my absorb to 71%..

Anyone know what else I can do?


Not sure what difficulty you are running on. I have mostly been main tanking the dragon on Hard and I have found it quite manageable -- easier than tanking Skeletons on Hard anyways. My tank's stats are significantly lower than what you posted, so maybe you are running it on a higher difficulty than me.

18 Paladin, 2 Fighter
82 CON
225 AC
5100 HP
333 PRR
183 MRR
80% Fire Absorb
98 Fire Resist

I wear Bracers of the Glacier for this raid, with the permanent Fire Shield: Cold effect. The dragon debuffs the tank's Fire Absorb, so it's crucial for me to get this Fire Absorb as high as possible before stepping in. Otherwise your absorb goes negative and you take a lot of dmg.

I tend to stand in the center of the arena. I don't mind the fire elementals or their ground circles - they really don't do anything to me.
The dragon has a knockback & a knockdown special attack. These can be prevented with Shield Block. This is really useful to prevent from being knocked down all the time. I typically auto-attack with melee (mostly to prevent the AOE fire dot on the party and also to proc my +1000 temp HP), and then Shield Block when I see the dragon's animation starting to do the knockdown special attack.

I have 310 Healing Amplification and 660 Positive Spell Power, with 35% Crit Chance and 66% Crit Multiplier. This allows me to cast Renewal on myself for plenty of self-healing. If I keep Renewal up on myself, that's enough to handle any damage I take while tanking for the ~25 mins it usually takes for the raid.

I also have 16 charges of Lay On Hands, which self-heals for over 5k HP. I sometimes use Lay Hands if I get knocked down and fall below 2k HP, just to quickly get back to full HP.

I have noticed that standing in the blue Dead Magic Zone will dispel my permanent Fire Shield from Bracers of the Glacier, so I try not to stand in that zone when tanking. I have also noticed that when this happens, I need to re-equip the Bracers to get my Fire Shield back on -- merely stepping out of the blue dead zone doesn't automatically bring it back.

Swivven / Swivvirtue / Swivventure
Guild Officer of The Silver Legion
Cannith server



Well-known member
I haven't run the raid, so how does auto attack prevent a party AOE?
The dracolich will put a fire dot (that stacks to deadly amounts) on the entire raid if it is not engaged. However, I fully believe it's not so much you attacking it that matters, but it physically attacking you that matters. At least when I was in there testing things, I would be in melee range attacking it, but also running circles around it so it would have to spin to face me in order to try and attack, and it would still put the DoT on the party... but when I stood there without attacking and it attacking me freely, the DoT would almost never appear (sometimes it would, but it not stack and just time out)


I can do things others can't...
The Fire DoT (that affects everyone in the Raid) from Karliath may be utilised even when engaged by a tank if not performed correctly.

The trigger for this is when Karliath's "pathing" is unable to calculate a path to reach you; often you will see them constantly turning around, trying to attack you (with a tail whip) and even sometimes breathes at you at range, but if they cannot reach you with a viable path, then the Fire DoT triggers instead to engage the party.

This is often caused by having enemies held/flesh to stone/frozen (CC'd basically), etc around them, causing them to be unable to path towards you (also sometimes small invisible geometry issues on the map can do this, there is only a one or two spots of this in the main room however, so shouldn't be a major issue in most cases; grab aggro by getting into melee range and attacking, then run away with them able to track you).

So it is actually possible to simply keep Karliath occupied with a caster as well, so long as you make sure Karliath can always path towards you. You don't have to (but can obviously) face intim/threat tank them.

Of note, is that the enemies here can be an "obstacle" and thus for example, if you managed to drag the two Fire Elementals to the starting barrier you port through to get to the main room and they don't move away from there (because you're running solo), you will be prevented from being able to teleport through the barrier, because of the obsctruction that the enemies represent. This is also why I suspected that roaming NPC outside the Ettercap quest might have been obstructing recalls back out and causing players to be sent to the Bridge Between Worlds.



long live ROGUE
Not sure what difficulty you are running on. I have mostly been main tanking the dragon on Hard and I have found it quite manageable -- easier than tanking Skeletons on Hard anyways. My tank's stats are significantly lower than what you posted, so maybe you are running it on a higher difficulty than me.

18 Paladin, 2 Fighter
82 CON
225 AC
5100 HP
333 PRR
183 MRR
80% Fire Absorb
98 Fire Resist

I wear Bracers of the Glacier for this raid, with the permanent Fire Shield: Cold effect. The dragon debuffs the tank's Fire Absorb, so it's crucial for me to get this Fire Absorb as high as possible before stepping in. Otherwise your absorb goes negative and you take a lot of dmg.

I tend to stand in the center of the arena. I don't mind the fire elementals or their ground circles - they really don't do anything to me.
The dragon has a knockback & a knockdown special attack. These can be prevented with Shield Block. This is really useful to prevent from being knocked down all the time. I typically auto-attack with melee (mostly to prevent the AOE fire dot on the party and also to proc my +1000 temp HP), and then Shield Block when I see the dragon's animation starting to do the knockdown special attack.

I have 310 Healing Amplification and 660 Positive Spell Power, with 35% Crit Chance and 66% Crit Multiplier. This allows me to cast Renewal on myself for plenty of self-healing. If I keep Renewal up on myself, that's enough to handle any damage I take while tanking for the ~25 mins it usually takes for the raid.

I also have 16 charges of Lay On Hands, which self-heals for over 5k HP. I sometimes use Lay Hands if I get knocked down and fall below 2k HP, just to quickly get back to full HP.

I have noticed that standing in the blue Dead Magic Zone will dispel my permanent Fire Shield from Bracers of the Glacier, so I try not to stand in that zone when tanking. I have also noticed that when this happens, I need to re-equip the Bracers to get my Fire Shield back on -- merely stepping out of the blue dead zone doesn't automatically bring it back.

Swivven / Swivvirtue / Swivventure
Guild Officer of The Silver Legion
Cannith server

what if a ki bolt build steals aggro?