The Ballad of the DDO Casual Power Gamer


Well-known member
Additional points for inventory management: Pre-legendary raid gear and all heroic gear should be converted from character-bound to account-bound.

All pre-legendary minor artifacts, too.

Either that, or a really good, clear explanation from the devs as to why they won't do it. I'd be surprised if the money they make from selling bank slots is enough to beat the money they'd make from people buying store items for alts (like ability tomes, skill tomes, etc).
Alt bank toons are a lame storage solution a character should be able to store all of their own items


Well-known member
Even if one buys all bank and shared bank there is still not enough space. So the banking and inventory system is not working. You have to do a work around with mules but that is detrimental to servers (constant log in , log off) and it is extremely tedious.

DDO is the only MMO other than FFXI where I ever needed mules. FFXI has PS2 (yes 2, not 3 or 4 !) limitations and 56kbit server communication cap, so that's the reason for low inventory and bank space. DDO doesn't have that excuse.
Exactly we shouldn’t be using characters as banks


Well-known member
Per inventory management, if they gave people 500 slots, some would ask 600. It's never going to be enough.
I mean... sort of, sure. But they also seem to add gear/filigree/materials/bags/... you want to hold onto due to rarity / farm / price issues faster than they add space or ease of accessibility to said gear.


Well-known member
Ah. Thanks for the clarification. I haven’t ever paid much attention to that one. I have never upgraded it.

It is very, very useful imho. In particular if you have multiple characters. Simply empty the various bags directly into in regularly - drag the bag there not individual items.


Why do I have 411 .ddocp files
So first thing: I’d love to raid, but what keeps me from raiding is a) availability, but more than that, I never seem to be at cap long enough to be able to catch the current gear/build meta.
Make Alts relevant again.
I have an alt I’ve had forever, she’s always been my bow char. I carved out 3 ranger lives, 3 doubleshot Epic lives and a bunch of other stuff and was in the middle of leveling her right when all the bow changes happened that destroyed the build I was headed towards. But even if that wasn’t the case, why would I bother? What’s the point of alts?
So these are tied together IMO

The point of alts (to me) is to park them at various points/for various builds, and then when you log on and see a raid group you can just swap to your alt and raid on said alt :) (some people also use them for like statics but if you're not a lot of hours/week into DDO that's probs not for you).

Personally I'm up to 4 raid alts (tank, bard/healer, DC caster, and ranged DPS) but I raid a lot lol. If you made your bow char into a bow raid build and parked at cap you could farm a reasonable gearset and just leave it on there for a few years (my tank was made when RL came out, and has had one gear update since then - I probs need a new one for fire absorb but it can tank LH ToN pretty reasonably so eh).


Well-known member
Only issue I have with filigrees in the crafting bank, its slower to browse. If you always know what you want, its easier.


Well-known member
Good to know that we all agree - the bank! (and don't get me wrong, the bank functionality upgrade was amazing and I love everyone involved in that project)

Here's a fun thing to look for: What augments in your bank will fit into a green augment slot? OK, you know Topaz and Sapphire of course; that's easy. But what does the Facet of Psionic Intrusion do, and where do you put it? Or The Art of Sabotage, Vol. 3? Or A Treatise on Battle? And what if you're just trying to find options based on what you actually have in the bank? Good luck, friends. You'll need it!

Sure would be great to add one more feature to the bank - make the bank search include item text! Perhaps let us search for items that say "reaper" or "yellow" or "falchion" or "heavy"!

Or even better, after all the neat bank upgrades, you could add a more advanced search filter, or add augment and consumable and even proficient filters to the existing list! Maybe have the minimum level work properly!



Active member
Would having more free time to play alleviate this part of your complaint?
That's a good question and it forced me to think through more of what I'm actually complaining about. I think one thing that I don't like about the game _currently_ is that given my time constraints, the commitment to try a given style of play / build / etc. Is just way too long. For me it's a month or two of very limited free time to see if a given build idea actually works. I'm heavy user of Maetrim's excellent char builder but it can only tell you so much about what these are like to actually use as a daily driver. The TR grind is actually interwoven with the high cost of experimentation.

ex: I just recently ran a early EK -> later PM life for Dwarf 2. It was fun as an EK while leveling and selecting exclusively PM-useful feats ahead of a big switch in Enhancements at 18. But after I switched over to PM I got pretty disillusioned that so many thing are immune to neg dmg that are also not undead. It was fun trying the experiment, but being committed to PM at cap without the right, magic 14 filigree set and never goign tinto quests with constructs just made me want to get it over with and try something else. The only easy way out is TR and re-roll. Why spend points on a +20 heart if I need to re-roll anyhow?

I like the game, I don't mind the TR train, I just wish it was easier that once a life you could go "Yeah this cool idea I had on paper for a AotS/Monk/Arti is just not working like I thought." This game has an insane amount of flexibility, it'd be nice if we had lower cost to exploring that. Many of my build ideas are likely stupid; it'd be fun to be able to figure out which ones more easily.


Well-known member
That's a good question and it forced me to think through more of what I'm actually complaining about. I think one thing that I don't like about the game _currently_ is that given my time constraints, the commitment to try a given style of play / build / etc. Is just way too long. For me it's a month or two of very limited free time to see if a given build idea actually works. I'm heavy user of Maetrim's excellent char builder but it can only tell you so much about what these are like to actually use as a daily driver. The TR grind is actually interwoven with the high cost of experimentation.

ex: I just recently ran a early EK -> later PM life for Dwarf 2. It was fun as an EK while leveling and selecting exclusively PM-useful feats ahead of a big switch in Enhancements at 18. But after I switched over to PM I got pretty disillusioned that so many thing are immune to neg dmg that are also not undead. It was fun trying the experiment, but being committed to PM at cap without the right, magic 14 filigree set and never goign tinto quests with constructs just made me want to get it over with and try something else. The only easy way out is TR and re-roll. Why spend points on a +20 heart if I need to re-roll anyhow?

I like the game, I don't mind the TR train, I just wish it was easier that once a life you could go "Yeah this cool idea I had on paper for a AotS/Monk/Arti is just not working like I thought." This game has an insane amount of flexibility, it'd be nice if we had lower cost to exploring that. Many of my build ideas are likely stupid; it'd be fun to be able to figure out which ones more easily.

This may or may not help you. I post it in the hope it does.

When Lam is up - copy your character with all the stuff needed there. Grab the items you need from the npc's when possible. Do the rebuild and test it. If it works - great - you did lose a little time finding out though. If not - you learned with a lot less time spend.


Active member
This may or may not help you. I post it in the hope it does.

When Lam is up - copy your character with all the stuff needed there. Grab the items you need from the npc's when possible. Do the rebuild and test it. If it works - great - you did lose a little time finding out though. If not - you learned with a lot less time spend.
That's a good suggestion, my main issue has been that char copy has never worked for me onto lam. I've never figured out why. I can generally log on and start fresh, but it's generally such a pita to grab stuff and so slow to level 3 times to cap to get a 36 pt build I usually just give up.


Active member
I think if all of us players had infinite time and infinite $ a majority of complaints like this would go away.
The things the game admin truly do need to work on is: 1) continuing their successful efforts in battling lag/freezing mobs, and 2) to grow the player base with greater attention to advertising and incentives. An influx of fresh players would produce more guildies, more groups, and more raiding.
A new influx of players would absolutely solve a lot of issues. I'd somewhat already resolved to quit TRing at heroic comp + 4 complete Racial sets and be done for a bit. Possibly work on epic lives for a bit where the PUGs are noticeably denser.


Well-known member
Delete almost all of your items. 3(maybe),5,15,20,29 is all you need.

Or commit to certain packs , I don’t hate level 7 etc, but you don’t need 5/7 and also 10, for example.

Figure out what levels / packs you want and delete literally everything else .

I mean ssg could do something to help, but they won’t .


Well-known member
Delete almost all of your items. 3(maybe),5,15,20,29 is all you need.

Or commit to certain packs , I don’t hate level 7 etc, but you don’t need 5/7 and also 10, for example.

Figure out what levels / packs you want and delete literally everything else .

I mean ssg could do something to help, but they won’t .
Yes, this is unfortunately the correct mentality - I'd love to have some super store of all named items, but this just isn't that kinda game. For the most part, I pretty much have to tell myself that if it isn't a part of a specific level set, I probably will never factor it in to any life's gear plan.

For me, I like the ML10 Ravenloft power bump, ML15 Sharn gets me through epics. I'll also sometimes have a <10 item in that set until 29 lol if it's some nice unique bonus, like belt of ram or something.

Edit: What I have yet to figure out is how to organize stuff at-cap, cuz "you never know" lol. Gotta figure something out