The Best No Gear TRing class?

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
OK say that I have a fresh account and want to get on the TR train. I want to do a minimal amount of gear grind as possible (it’s boring!) without the exception of a few “must haves” like voice and possibly a RoSS.

Which class/build will fit the best?


Do you plan to also keep the same build for several classes? Inquisitive can be used with pretty much any class, mostly only need a good crossbow, most gear can be genloot with focus on dmg, and the stat you use for DMG (have smthign add dmg to weapon)


Well-known member
Dark apostate is good choice if gear lazy. They get pretty much everything inherently. Great self heal, all divine buffs, raises, ghostly, incorp, etc. etc.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
Nice thanks guys good advice.

I’ll look into Dark Apostate, and try to figure out good crossbows for each leveling tier.


Scourge of Xaos
OK say that I have a fresh account and want to get on the TR train. I want to do a minimal amount of gear grind as possible (it’s boring!) without the exception of a few “must haves” like voice and possibly a RoSS.

Which class/build will fit the best?
Someone went 1-20 in hardcore absolutely naked as a sacred fist!

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
Someone went 1-20 in hardcore absolutely naked as a sacred fist!


Well-known member
Classes with many powerful SLAs maybe fit the bill. Warlocks need Spell Power to deal damage with eldritch blast. But SLAs get free spell power from free metas.


Blightcaster would probably work for you too, though it may start to struggle near cap due to enemy evasion/saves.


Well-known member
  • Acolyte of Skin does quite well for Racial Heroics with minimal gearing (just collect stuff with Combustion/Impulse as they come).
  • Blightcaster does pretty well in Heroic and Epic.
  • 15 Sacred Fist/3 Dark Apostate/2 Monk CHA-based can be Unarmed, Single Weapon Fighting Dagger (Vol Deity with Nightforged Stiletto), or Two-Handed Fighting Quarterstaff (Aureon Deity with whatever Quarterstaff you can get) and performs well. Most of your damage comes from seldom resisted Apostate's Curse Imbue Dice. Between Undead Form, high saves, evasion, and Warpriest DR 5/- you can ignore quite a bit of stuff. Just make sure you take a level of Dark Apostate before a level of Sacred Fist so you can chose a deity, otherwise you might not be able to select Vol/Aureon Deities.


Well-known member
i have done many TRs as a 6/6/8 inquisitive. For me it was 6 rogue/ 6 artificer and then 8 of what ever I needed. You can use the same gear set any life done this way.

I use all cannith crafted gear up to 29.
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Well-known member
The other answers are quite good.
I think 2 handers are pretty good once you get the melee damage past lives in. Storm singer is also quite helpful.


New member
My advice for folks just getting started on the TR train is to do one heroic life(not iconic) of each class to get the completionist feat. At the same time going to level 30 and getting all the Marital EPLs. Having all that extra AC has the biggest affect in heroics. Then find a couple builds you like and use those to run racials. I like monk(18)/rogue(1)/fighter(1), blighcaster(20), stormsinger(20). The monk really only needs an elemental bloom and the others are casters get the bordlands clubs at 2 and the planar eye clubs at 12.


Well-known member
Epic past lives represent the absolute largest power increase the game has to offer. I would do at least 2 and possibly three 20-30 lives each heroic life. You will get WAY more bang for your buck than just going 1-20 ad nauseum.


Well-known member
i have done many TRs as a 6/6/8 inquisitive. For me it was 6 rogue/ 6 artificer and then 8 of what ever I needed. You can use the same gear set any life done this way.

I use all cannith crafted gear up to 29.
This ^. and get a ratcatcher. I ran 5 Arti, 6 Rog, 9X as a Chaosmancer Iconic with Wild Mage being the 9 levels and it was still highly effective at cap.


Well-known member
Ah so we are back to the easiest common denominator to level a toon is also an inquisitive build. That is so interesting because the inquisitive players keep telling me they suck while we see them steamroll all the content in the game. Definitely not overpowered.


Well-known member
Ah so we are back to the easiest common denominator to level a toon is also an inquisitive build. That is so interesting because the inquisitive players keep telling me they suck while we see them steamroll all the content in the game. Definitely not overpowered.
Everyone giving this advice ran inquis before the heroic nerf/endgame buff.


Well-known member
Everyone giving this advice ran inquis before the heroic nerf/endgame buff.
I just completed another life using the inquisitive build, sure it was nerfed but is still pretty decent for this and fun to play. At least I enjoy it and is still my preferred method of doing True reincarnations


long live ROGUE
…and getting all the Marital EPLs.
My wife has a marital PL that has made her untrusting

Just joking. OP consider that grind is aweful so you must choose a playstyle that you really enjoy. I love stealth and fast run speed, and often quests have significant extra xp if you grab a few traps here and there; I can’t even do House of Death Undone without unlocking the opt door.

I don’t grind PLs but for me, for example, I would think of 1 barb splashes or even 6 monk just to scuttle around faster; maybe something with wings or abundant step. Faster movement will save on any potions if you use them. 3 swash and dagger is a complete melee (vistani rapid slash is AoE); Ninjas and monks are going through a big shift and might be an option for a 9/x splash soon. Again, I like speed so thumping around slowly is really painful. (9 monk is +15 run speed and the new dragondisciple has a tier 5 abundant step; it might be a great heroic zerger with its AoE attacks, fast movement boosts, spell power damage etc.)