'Trap the Soul' and soul gem drop rate


Active member
According to the ingame description and DDO wiki there should only be a will save when casting 'Trap the Soul'.

Target fails will save > target turns into soul gem (unless it is a construct).

Target saves > target is angry at you.

However, when farming soul gems from earth elementals there is a ratio of 1/5 to 1/6 that the elemental is killed but no soul gem drops.

Why is that?

Another save? Lag?


The People's Champion
Are you running an epic mantle while farming (and the damage proc from that killing them)?


Active member
Are you running an epic mantle while farming (and the damage proc from that killing them)?
That seems to have been it.

I was running with the draconic mantle. I turned it off. Since then I actually started seeing successful will saves. But whenever they fail I get a gem drop.
