Looking at the weapon choices i have as a DEX based Ranger (Scimitar) i feel myself a little bit overwhelmed by the "Dripping with Magma" effect.
The new Undying Age weapons have nice effects with Sovereign Vorpal, Dripping with Magma and the customizable Sealed in Fire effect. The 3rd Degree Burns seems ok but is again fire damage + vulnerability and procs only on vorpal.
Looking on the Kindling, the twin Flames of the City raid scimitar i see again a Dripping with Magma effect and if i want the nice set bonus (+1 Critical Multiplier on 19-20) i have to have 2 times Dripping with Magma, which is not beneficial. And again the 2 times Overwhelming Incineration is a pure fire effect.
We should have ether different scimitars like Kindling, the twin Pillars (Flames&Frozen or Sun&Moon or whatever versions) of the City with different enhancements or instead the set bonus add something different instead Overwhelming Incineration e.g. Wrath of the Wild (primal bonus to damage equal to half of your wilderness lore feats) or just an additional effect Better Offhanded (+2W if in off hand).