U71 Lamannia Preview Release Notes


Well-known member
As far as I am aware the rarer items that have shown up, have gameplay implications, and dont have an alternative way to get them

2014: Cursed blade of jack jibbers

2024 (march): Fried Sword Fish, Frozen Sword Fish

2024 (august): 6x artblade armors, 6x crownblade armors, 6x warblade armors, 4x shield, 3x helms, 3x cloaks, 3x swords, rune arm, 7 artifacts, 6 augments, golden age weapons

And now in 2024 (december?): whatever is rare from this pack

This is a worrying trend

I do not like looting a chest hundreds of times, and not being any closer to getting the item that I want for a build. Especially when there are enough rare items that most builds want one.

I posted this over in the loot discussion, but I'll link it here since this conversation seems to also be about the rare loot

Thank you

I think you're missing Mythic Minos Legens etc (from 2015 or so).

Wasn't a big success either, those ultra-rares.

I personally think that is mostly due to the fact that Epic Minos Legens was a bad placeholder in your gear layout for Mythic Minos Legens. If you value insightful constitution item, you'd probably want it somewhere else in your gear so if you finally got the mythic version, your whole setup would change.

I think after that, they introduced mythic as a possible bonus on any named item, giving a bonus that *is* incremental, and just as rare if not rarer (a mythic3 university duelist's cloak is a superrare item as well, but more fun to get, because while you don't have it yet you can always use a mythicless duelist's cloak).

Why they are going back to new ultra-rare base items (and consequently ultra-ultra-rare mythic variations thereof), I don't know, I don't like it at all. I'm not even a quarter of the way towards getting all MD items and even less so on heroic, so I'm not particularly looking forward to a new expansion.


Little Nixie
The issue has nothing to do with the map as in the thing that appears when you hit M, it's issues are fundamental to its base construction. The only way to fix this quest is to rebuild it from scratch. There does seem to be some interest in us perhaps re-making this quest at the expense of some other piece of new content however, based on some of the feedback on the forums.
Very few people have shown interest in remaking this quest from scratch at the expense of new content. But many people have shown their dislike for the rare loot tables.

But you're listening to the four above and not the many people who are burned out on rare loot? I see.


Well-known member
Sword of shadows. Took me years to get it. 200+ runs. It sucked, by the time I got it, I was burnt out on melees.
Should've waited for the box. ;)

I was the same way with red dragon armor, then picked the light. Then realized I could never use it on a monk. Alas.


Well-known member
You are right! I didn't. I thought about it, but did not for a couple reasons

Feytwisted has a couple things going for it that make it a *lot* better than this current system

1. Coolness factor. You see a feytwisted chest, and you *know* you are going to get something on the feytwisted table. It both looks quite neat, and conceptually is really interesting. The items that were originally aligned with one of the seasons got twisted into a similar but different season.

2. Since you know that a chest is feytwisted beforehand, its quite easy to toss up an lfm asking for help getting an item in a way that you can't do with the rare stuff from MD. If you want to power farm (and some people have fun doing this) you can pretty easily split up into individual parties and farm until you get one then rejoin, making it alot easier to get items.

3. Its universal. You can get a feytwisted chest *anywhere* in feywild. If each chest in feywild had its own feytwisted loot list, it would suck a lot more. It also cant ransack, so you arent ever going to just be stuck if you want an item for a build. This also makes it nicer for farming, since you arent locked into doing a single dungeon over and over and over

These combined make it a fair bit different from the current (and old) rarer loot systems that are in place

I wouldnt mind if the MD rare loot system was changed to Feytwisted 2.0 called WildMagic or something, but that does not seem likely at this point, hence my suggestions for other ways this system could be adjusted to be less unpleasant

I also wouldnt want a system like this for anything other than expansions. If regular quest loot is powerful enough to warrant being rare, why dont the items get tuned down to a more standard quest power level?

Also important, you could not be tempted to spend A$ to get a chest to become feytwisted. It didn’t seem like a dodgy cash grab.


Scourge of Xaos
I think you're missing Mythic Minos Legens etc (from 2015 or so).

Wasn't a big success either, those ultra-rares.

I personally think that is mostly due to the fact that Epic Minos Legens was a bad placeholder in your gear layout for Mythic Minos Legens. If you value insightful constitution item, you'd probably want it somewhere else in your gear so if you finally got the mythic version, your whole setup would change.

I think after that, they introduced mythic as a possible bonus on any named item, giving a bonus that *is* incremental, and just as rare if not rarer (a mythic3 university duelist's cloak is a superrare item as well, but more fun to get, because while you don't have it yet you can always use a mythicless duelist's cloak).

Why they are going back to new ultra-rare base items (and consequently ultra-ultra-rare mythic variations thereof), I don't know, I don't like it at all. I'm not even a quarter of the way towards getting all MD items and even less so on heroic, so I'm not particularly looking forward to a new expansion.
I'm still trying to get a Mythic Seraphim! Don't need it anymore but I still haven't seen one drop. I do have a mythic minos


long live ROGUE
mythic rare things that work—Jibbers, golden age weapon (thanks to 2:1 trade), Ioun stones. I think the Perfected artifacts, or WPM weapons, are also good examples of how an item can be chased down, although the perfected artifacts need a boost.

Rare ones that do not work—rare augments from powerful, occasionally spawning wilderness monsters.

Rare drops with other options—raid runes.

So make the artifacts, gear and augments out of MD that are super rare purchasable with raid runes, and add golden age weapons to that list. Problem solved and you will get raid bypass timers selling.


Well-known member
There is far less interest in remaking the Larcener quest than there is a demand for transparency about the rare loot system and plans going forward. That's what you respond too?! SMH


Well-known member
The issue has nothing to do with the map as in the thing that appears when you hit M, it's issues are fundamental to its base construction. The only way to fix this quest is to rebuild it from scratch. There does seem to be some interest in us perhaps re-making this quest at the expense of some other piece of new content however, based on some of the feedback on the forums.
Yes, would love to see Memoirs triumphant return some day!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Well-known member
There is far less interest in remaking the Larcener quest than there is a demand for transparency about the rare loot system and plans going forward. That's what you respond too?! SMH
If you want to be generous to the devs you can conclude that they don't respond because they also disagree with the policy but have no choice but to follow the diktats of external stakeholders. They can't defend it and they can't reverse it.

Of course, that is if you want to be generous. They might also not respond because they are too busy twirling their mustaches.


Well-known member
There is not nearly as much of a change in loot rarity as is being theorized in this discussion. Drop rates remain about the same as ever, it's just that similar to the couple of items in Myth Drannor that were designed to be particularly rare there are a couple of items here given the same treatment.
Hi Cordovan,

You have used the word "Couple" twice, would you confirm or clarify that there are only two items that are rare? If not two, would you tell us how many items are rare? so that we can set our expectation.

PS: If the word "Couple" does not mean two, please use the word "Few" or "Many" instead.



Beater of Dead Horses
Hi Cordovan,

You have used the word "Couple" twice, would you confirm or clarify that there are only two items that are rare? If not two, would you tell us how many items are rare? so that we can set our expectation.

PS: If the word "Couple" does not mean two, please use the word "Few" instead.

SSG words do not mean what regular people's words mean.

"These aren't the couple of items you're looking for. Move along."


Well-known member
Something just occurred to me regarding how SSG *could* have done the rare MD loot right/better.

A hybrid/frankenstein system that used concepts from the Card curses, Feytwisted, and the old Orchard Mythic versions systems could have been really cool.

They should have made all the loot with standard drop rates. Then they could have added the "ultra rare" chance for some of those items (or even all of them) to spawn with a higher ML effect similar to the card curse effect.

That would have removed the complaints about standard gearset effects being artificially gated. Players could have completed their MD gearsets with the normal amount of farming. Then there would still be the ultra rare "chase" version for the min/maxers inclined to do farm it.

For bonus points, they could have used the Feytwisted style chest system so that when the ultra rare roll hits, everyone in the party gets a "boosted" item. That would help incentivize people to farm for the boosted versions after they already had the standard.


Well-known member
I suspect the original plan was to have different areas appear, with different objectives, based on choices the players make.
But they cut the choices down to just the Elf's name, to get the damn thing finished.

One of the items was good, and getting enough Free Agents favour for Falconry will be harder, but other than that, good riddance.


Well-known member
Would be great if we could slot items: Prefix/Suffix/Extra/Colored Augment and Solar/Lunar augment from a table of choices.
This would save time in having to rework item abilities and make the players not have to be grieved again at how painful it is to wear something just to get one ability needed, while slugging around two abilities that don't pertain to their build.
Monks use DEX/WIS and Concentration is on INT item(which I use INT but Concentration does nothing for me) which they would of most likely wanted it to be DEX or WIS.

I think a focus on content and updating left behind augments (like there is no Quality Stat augment yet) would be better served than random new gear stats/affects that seem to trouble players and spend an exorbitant amount of Tetris Time having to Jenga there gear and not all fall apart.

Cannith crafting could be revamped to ADD effects like Legendary Ice/Limb Chopper/ an AOE Damage type pulse based on Slashing-Piercing-Bludgeoning damage.

The Repeater with Limb Chopper is interesting, would be great if you added a Throwing Dagger version as well.


Well-known member
Sword of shadows. Took me years to get it. 200+ runs. It sucked, by the time I got it, I was burnt out on melees.
That was pre- drop standardization, so I have no idea what the base chance was, but that is also a very cluttered loot table (20 items on the named drop list, so even post loot-pass, it's a ~1.5% drop on Elite+ 30% named drop * 5% chance of any single named item)


Old-timer, mostly an observer
Couldn't the quest be somewhat easily re-done as static "islands" with clickable doors (teleports) connecting them? All the required assets already exist. This seems rather drastic.
I'm afraid you think too straightforward and too much like a player, and use logic - this is not good, not allowed. SSG seeks to make it difficult to work and play for themselves and others. And they are so fierce in this that other ideas they do not even want to hear, let alone think about and submit for consideration. They have fixated on the fact that they will build a pedestrian bridge over the skyscrapers and do not translate that it is easier to just open the back door to go through it.

The Blonde

Catalogues Bugs
Mysterious Bauble drop was normalized a while back when they normalized all other drops. They just left jibbers and little else as exceptions.

These devs forget their own history.
Wait, Bauble has regular drop %? I thought it's still giga rare.