As far as I am aware the rarer items that have shown up, have gameplay implications, and dont have an alternative way to get them
2014: Cursed blade of jack jibbers
2024 (march): Fried Sword Fish, Frozen Sword Fish
2024 (august): 6x artblade armors, 6x crownblade armors, 6x warblade armors, 4x shield, 3x helms, 3x cloaks, 3x swords, rune arm, 7 artifacts, 6 augments, golden age weapons
And now in 2024 (december?): whatever is rare from this pack
This is a worrying trend
I do not like looting a chest hundreds of times, and not being any closer to getting the item that I want for a build. Especially when there are enough rare items that most builds want one.
I posted this over in the loot discussion, but I'll link it here since this conversation seems to also be about the rare loot
Thank you
I think you're missing Mythic Minos Legens etc (from 2015 or so).
Wasn't a big success either, those ultra-rares.
I personally think that is mostly due to the fact that Epic Minos Legens was a bad placeholder in your gear layout for Mythic Minos Legens. If you value insightful constitution item, you'd probably want it somewhere else in your gear so if you finally got the mythic version, your whole setup would change.
I think after that, they introduced mythic as a possible bonus on any named item, giving a bonus that *is* incremental, and just as rare if not rarer (a mythic3 university duelist's cloak is a superrare item as well, but more fun to get, because while you don't have it yet you can always use a mythicless duelist's cloak).
Why they are going back to new ultra-rare base items (and consequently ultra-ultra-rare mythic variations thereof), I don't know, I don't like it at all. I'm not even a quarter of the way towards getting all MD items and even less so on heroic, so I'm not particularly looking forward to a new expansion.