The issue is that given how the DDO Monk was introduced, the proposed changes to the Monk means their DDO identity is being erased and lost. There's already other classes or combinations that already do what the proposed Monk does in DDO but better. And thus the DDO Monk not only loses their identity, but also any relevance at all.
After all, why use Ki weapons? To remain centered? For what now? There's no reason to remain Centered, because there's no Ki abilities of note to even invest into (or standing Ki abilities worth a damn because what they boost is meaningless). Spell Resistance? When at most it prevents 5 or 6 spells of note in the game "if" you have enough of it (and you never do)? Or how the MRR cap for Monks being so low means now that without needing to factor in being Centered, Monks can actually wear Armour for better MRR, but if you do that, you might as well be something else. Which again means, why be a Monk?
So what is the point of the Monk? Strategic priority targets on the battlefield? Are we sure the Monk can take them out better than another class? Because in todays DDO, the Monks ability to lock a target down seems kinda pointless, especially when you factor in such an ability is considered less desireable than higher dps. To which again, a splash or a different class entirely, could likely do a lot better. Heck, even the Shifter could be doing better NOT as a Monk for unarmed. And that says everything about the DDO Monk right now "with" the Finishers and whatnot that's being moved out or removed entirely.
It's going to be one wild day when Lam comes up...