ok, i play casters now, im looking caster stuff...
what i find is, WHERE ARE THE GOLDEN AGE WEAPONS? i have not seen 1 drop!! are they in the loot tables??
because what i want is in a golden age weapon. can we have a 10-1 fallen age turn in please.
now about loot.
generally disappointed by caster loot. didnt seem enough pieces. then i looked and found a couple.
the red wizards sights and thayan pactmage bangle look decent, but with the sealed in undeath, you get to choose stat.
the stat modifier makes them winner items.
RED WIZARDS SIGHT: change the +5 spell focus mastery into +2 INFERNAL spell mastery. new bonus type, similar to sacred. (say NO GOOD ALIGNEMENT.)
on the conversion of Golden Age Weapons
these conversions make them completely different weapons.
i tried upgrading a freezing golden age sword. i wanted affirmation on it , it made it dust.
still has the undying effect on it, so i assume this is bugged.
but i wanted the golden age freezing longsword for its sacred dc and quality spell pen. converting it loses both those but adds spell crit. a completely different version upgrade. i like the upgrade, but i dont know why they were made to be so differetnt. it adds spell lore 13 and exception spell lore 5. so that makes it an 18% crit stick. pretty nice . and spell lore 13 is new.
again, where are the golden age weapons. adjust the loot tables please.
same with other rare items. i would consider armor but havent found a piece yet of rare stuff.
this after about 4-5 ransacks of myth drannor. something is missing.
other notes
Brimstone, the orb. turn the quality sfmastery into INFERNAL spell focus mastery. fits the theme of a dracolich.
obviously we are fighting an EVIL DWAGON.