Update 69 Preview 3 Release: Summary
[first of two parts]
The Ruins of Myth Drannor Wilderness gets 5/5 rating in my book. I'd say it is a definite
selling point to attract new players to the Dungeons & Dragons Online. Aesthetically, the
ruins are quite stunning, especially the "towering" trees. Admittedly, the environs surrounding
the ruins are rather sparse for the legendary Forest of Cormanthor. Hopefully, there is still
time for a "reforestation" project. But I, for one, look forward to spending a lot of time
riding and fighting through this expanse.
While the wilderness is an improvement over more recent expansions (even Dread Isle, which I
rate highly), the quests themselves feel underwhelming. I'd go far as to say that new players
drawn to DDO by the name of Myth Drannor will feel let down the core content of the expansion. A
lot of these quests feel cookie-cutter from start to finish, rather like the Vecna Unleashed
expansion. Many of the quest mechanics are repetitive (find crest, flip switch, etc). It is
almost as if these tasks were employed to make the quests seem longer than they actually are.
The short duration of many of these quests may be welcomed by veterans zerging through these
for quick reaper xp, as well as to farm the latest gear with which to run legendary, end game
raids. But it strikes me as unlikely that the Magic of Myth Drannor will not help with new player
retention. One can only hope that fans of the Forgotten Realms find the opportunity to
experience the Menace of the Underdark, which offer fine examples of story-telling and dungeon
design. Granted, Standing Stone Games may no longer have the resources to design and code such
an immersive gaming experience.
On bright side, new monsters are always good! I love fighting them Nagas, you've made the Hook
Horrors into compelling adversaries, and the Chaos Crawlers are especially interesting. I find
it ironic, however, that the Red Wizards of Thay are encountered somewhat infrequently in these
quests, which seems odd given that they are the number baddies in this chain. More is the pity, as
they are worthy adversaries.
As for the quests themselves ...
Magic of Myth Drannor, part I
The Safehold [2/5]
- As a Level 13/35 quest, this quest is too short. (The same can be said of a lot of the
quests in this expansion.)
- As an introduction to the quest chain, this quest is too short. And especially too short
for fabled Myth Drannor. Compare this quest with Tracker's Trap, a quest that is a fair
introduction to challenging Storm Horns quests that follow.
- This quest also depends on the over-used "find the crest, place the crest, fight the end battle"
mechanic. We'll see this again ...
Death Hosts This Banquet [2/5]
- And here, already, we see the "find the crest" mechanic again. Another cookie-cutter ...
- The reverse gravity section is a fair challenge, that could be made better spawning/falling
monsters. (As mentioned previously, need to resolve the "quest cannot be completed"
crests out-of-order issue.)
- The optional, trapped-filled run up to the treasure rooms seems awfully extraneous. In fact,
it is as if it were originally intended to be placed in the House of Gems, but was moved here to
fill out an otherwise very short "collect-the-crest quest."
Ogmha's Song [3/5]
- I rate this quest fairly interesting, but then again I'm tone deaf. But a lot of potential
missed in this quest.
- For example, using a specific song to open doors might have worked even better had you been
required to play instruments, a la Immortality Lessons.
- Or, instead of animated musical instruments attacking like the usual animated weapons, supposing
the mandolins cast Otto's Irresisable Dance and the drums cast Soundburst, before attacking you
physically. I would have loved to encounter that challenge!
- The introduction of a new puzzle is usually nice, so kudos on that. But please use it appropriately,
and not just to lengthen an otherwise short quest.
The Key to the Mythal [3/5]
- As the end quest of the chain, an improvement on previous quests, at least in terms of length
- However, more puzzles after a quest that featured puzzles, more puzzles did get tiresome.
- Enjoyable end fight gave the Part I of "Magic of Myth Drannor" chain a fitting ending.