VIP Perks


Well-known member
I know that the VIP perks that was discussed back in March is on hold so why not give VIP daily dice for a month. You all did it for a year and no bad things happened so why not give it for a month or two until the perks can be brought back.
If I was running SSG for DDO I certainly would not open the Gold Roll up daily ever again. SSG over communicated (in my opinion) that it would only be for 1-year and then revert back to the standard once a week Gold Roll. SSG kept their word (aka promise) and many of the DDO player community had a melt down saying some very harming things about SSG and the SSG staff.

I am a VIP and have been since February 2006 and certainly appreciate the gesture SSG made with the 1-year Gold Roll gift. So giving another daily Gold Roll for 1-month is only going to backfire again when SSG stops it.